"So, I thought I'd Help! Woah!" she said as she lost control of the motorcycle for a second and the motorcycle nearly fell over but she quickly regained control, and was upright again, and luckily too, because The two of them were nearly getting hit by cars here, and they were getting honked at by aggressive drivers. Matias looked at her like she was crazy. "But we're enemies! You shouldn't be helping me!" he told her as he yelped as a car came straight for him, and he quickly laid on top of the skateboard, as still as possible, as the car went under the motorcycle. He breathed a sigh of relief and stayed low on the motorcycle.

The girl looked at him and shook her head. "Enemies or not, Good or bad. No one deserves to, get hurt or be killed" She tells him. Matias never heard something like this before and had never known a person could be this kind, but then again he had a small circle of friends that is Ava, and zephyr. He shook his head. "But we're not even friends! Why would you risk getting yourself killed? Just to help me?" he asked. As the girl smiled. "Because" she replied simply, and before he could say anything else, The girl was still on the motorcycle, as cars were zooming past them, and the chances of them getting were becoming more likely. She reached her hand out. "Grab My hand!" she yelled. As she used the other hand to control the motorcycle.

Matias didn't want to trust this girl, and he had no reason to, they were enemies, and He could easily attack him. But then he saw a wall was coming up ahead to a stone wall, and moments away from impact. He gasped, and after a few seconds of debating he grabbed her hand, and Jade despite her little strength pulled him onto the motorcycle, and watched as the skateboard hit the stone wall, and Jade quickly got off the road into an alleyway. Jade was catching her breath, as she seemed like she seemed stressed from the situation. They both took a second to catch their breath. They were silent until Matias turned and saw Jade crack her neck, and groaned. "I haven't done anything that dangerous since when I first met Harumi!" she says as she then reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of candy, and popped it into her mouth. Matias raised an eyebrow, at what she said. "Huh?" the girl turned and looked at him. The girl laughed. "Oh yes, that was quite an eventful day," she says as she chuckled.

Before Matais could Ask jade what she meant, The girl smiled and quickly said: "I have to get back to the others But Macie Says Hello" she says. As She turned and walked away, getting away from there, leaving Matias alone in the alleyway. Matias raised an eyebrow as he didn't see a shadow from behind him coming closer. "Who is Macie?" he asked. When suddenly he heard a soft. "Hey" he jumped ten feet in the air, jumped around, and saw the girl from earlier. He breathed heavily, and then he smiled. "It's you," he says. The girl smiled and moved some brown hair away from her face. "Yea, It's me," she says kinda shy. The two were silent before she asked. "So How was visiting your mom?" she asked, as Matais suddenly jumped back, and was now nervous since he lied to her. "Oh my mom, Oh she's good, she's great, yea, she loved our visit," He says. The girl smiled. " I saw you, we're in trouble back there, and this blonde girl offered to help Do You know her?" Matias shook her head frantic. "No, No, No, No Of course not," he says but after a look from Macie, he sighed. "Okay, I somewhat Know her, It's kinda complicated" he explained.

The girl gave him a look and wanted to question him, but just shook her head. "Whatever, Do You Wanna Hang Out?" She asked. Matias breathed a sigh, he wanted to say Yes, But If Ava, Or zephyr found out He'd probably be killed. He sighed, He felt like he didn't have a choice. But he wanted to make his own choices and he wished he could. But this girl, he saw how Lloyd and Harumi always looked at each other, and how every couple looked at each other. He wanted to have a relationship he wanted to love someone and this girl made him feel like he heard other people feel, and he wanted that, he knew he didn't have a chance with ava, so why doesn't he try and have a relationship with the girl But the thing was with a relationship there had to be trust and not to mention truthfulness. He took a sign, and he knew it was risky but he knew he needed to be said. He turned, to the girl, and sighed. "There is something I need you to know, about the sorcerers" The girl gave an innocent look. "What about them?" She asked. As Matias s Was about to say what he was gonna say when:

"Miss get away from him! He's dangerous!" The two turned and that's when the two saw: Child Harumi, and standing a few feet away holding her hand because she was still a child, wa the evil oni Lord himself. Who was glaring daggers at Matis, and the two of them were standing at the edge of the alleyway.

Hello everyone i hoped you enjoyed this chapter, i was in a bit of rush writing this. But i think it turned out fine. Happy holidays to everyone, I hope you all had a great thanksgiving with your families. I can't believe we are nearly at 200 chapters where has the time gone? I already created the new book, I Just need to make the cover, And I have to talk to Ash About ideas about it! If you guy's have any ideas Let me know in the comments! I will let you all know when we have to Move to the second Book. I will announce it Within this book, and On my profile, I will leave the Link To The second book Down Below. I thank You all for all the support you have given this book since we started I appreciate it, and so does Lilla, and Ash. I hope you Guy's are ready because the second book is just gonna be as crazy as if more crazy then this one. It's the same story it's just gonna be continued in another book since the limit is 200 chapters. I hope I'm making sense. I am not sure Bu eh what are you gonna do? If you have questions leave them in the comments below and i Will see You All in Two week! Bye Guy's Jdizzle Signing Out peace!

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