Help me

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"I place it under his pillow!!"

"Jimin, Jungkook was never fond of surprises and romantic stuffs. Why don't you bring it on the next level?" Taehyung stated as he melt the last piece of gummy bear on his mouth. Jimin planned to hide things around the best friends dorm and let Jungkook find it one by one, slowly letting him know about his love.

"Tae, you're so annoying. You keep on contradicting my ideas for the nth time now!" Jimin eye rolls placing both of his palms under his chin .

"Look, facts is better than telling you lies just to give you false hopes. Besides I knew that guy all my life, and i truly think that he's no good for you."

"He's your friend and you did him dirty."

"Again, just stating facts okay?" Taehyung sighed.


"Why don't he try to pick up the phone, was he that busy with that Jimin guy?" Jungkook scrolls through his phone, casually talking to himself getting annoyed, because the younger wouldn't answer his phone calls.

On the other hand Jungkook went outside first to buy some of their dorm necessities on the grocery store, when he met Taehyung's parents on the counter.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim, its good to see you again!" Jungkook gave a bow showing his respect to the elders.

"Oh, Jungkook! Its been a while, what are you up to?"Mr.Kim asked.

"I'm planning to go to the states, once we graduate sir." Jungkook responded calmly as he shyly smiled.

"How about our Taehyung? he still haven't come home. Did he say any of his plans?"

"Actually he's still undecided-"

"Anyways, I was planning to send him to New Zealand with his uncle who's planning to start a business there."Mrs. Kim stated cutting off the other and making Jungkook's smile fade. He still haven't experience a life without his best friend beside him. Jungkook thought that maybe its time to part ways, since they're not little kids anymore. They have to fulfill their own paths.

"That's- that's good Mrs. Kim, If you'll excuse me.." Jungkook smiled and took his time to leave the place holding the two bags of groceries.

"Sure. Take care sweetheart!"


"I think i should head home now, thanks for your time Taehyungiee!!"Jimin embrace the other, who's currently sitting on the couch.

"See you!" The younger respond.

As soon as Jimin left the place, Taehyung's face became blank from a smiley one. He doesn't have any idea what's going on, he felt like he's being ridiculous for getting jealous. He wasn't supposed to feel this way, knowing that it was his friend, who's getting attracted to his other male friend.

Taehyung don't know whether he should confess to his dorm mate or let Jimin do what his heart desires.

Should he just let the two have it their way then?..

Taehyung isn't the type of person to fight for something. He was more of a type of letting the things happen the way it was designed to happen.

What's the point of fighting for it in the first place? when the answer is not on his hands but to the other?.

Fighting alone always makes him feel useless, yet he would just gaslight himself that everything is going to be fine.


'Maybe i'm just having an attachment issues on him. This isn't love, maybe just an infatuation?..'Taehyung bit his lips, pinching himself. As he was on the middle of overthinking Jungkook barged inside, holding a box of pizza on his right hand.

"How's your little movie date?" Jungkook asked, placing the stuffs he brought on the table.

"Just fine."

Jungkook holds his gaze to Taehyung who's now rolling on his bed, as if he's a burrito.

"The fuck is wrong with you?."

"Jungkook?" Taehyung got up from his bed, hair messy, lips form into a pout, sitting down legs crossed.

"What?" Jungkook answered as he place all the can goods on the shelves.

"What if i like you?.." Taehyung asks staring at the ceiling.

Jungkook turned his head, looking confused but not surprise on the other's question. He just thought that the other might have been joking around.

"That's bullshit Taehyung, you didn't sleep aren't you?."

"I'm serious like really."

"You're dead serious?"

"I am." Taehyung said.

"Besides, its not like i really like you  I'm asking -what if-" The younger continued, voice slightly raised.

"Well, if you like me? Then thanks?."
Jungkook answered then smirk, as he slice the apples.

"Thanks? when someone tells you they like you? you say thanks?"


"For christ sake kookie, a confession isn't a compliment!"

"What are you so mad about? i was just joking around."Jungkook turned his head towards Taehyung who is now sitting on his gaming chair, spinning himself from the seat using his feet.

"If you tell someone you like him/her, you're hoping for a yes, but mostly its either you get rejected by that person, and the next thing you'll do is to accept it, and move on."Jungkook stated then sighed.

"Why can't we just make the person like us, the way we like them."Taehyung rummage his hair, tone slowly getting lower and softer than usual.

"Tae, not all the time all the things we are aiming for were aligning for us. Life wouldn't always give us the happy ending we all see in movies. And you're asking if why can't we make the person we like, to like us back? because if its not meant to happen then its not. If it hurts you, then there's probably something better that's ahead for you."

"Why do we have to get hurt, before we know that its not for us?.."

"Because your wrongs will always teach you what is right.."

"And those right things will never happen, unless you take risks."

"So tell me Taehyung.."

"Do you like Jimin that much?.."
Jungkook asks, head lowered as he close the last door of the cabinet on the kitchen counter.

"What does Jimin has to do with all of this?" Taehyung answered as he stood up.

"I was asking -what if- i like you?"He continued.

"That is way too impossible Tae, besides we're best friends and I- i think we couldn't be together in that way?"

"I don't see us in that way..?"Jungkook responded making the younger sat down on his chair, immediately pretending that he was looking for his book.

"Right, well i- I'm just gonna sleep Kook. Thanks for your time!"Taehyung went straight on his room, with a little tear forming on his eye.


and yes finally after months, i get to continue this book! i can't believe that this had reach 1k reads already!!

im grateful <33

ty everyone ily!

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