- Chapter 16: It's Over -

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- Kara's Pov -

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- Kara's Pov -

Bella's lifeless body disappears under my hand making me glare at dad knowing he has teleported her dead body somewhere with his magic but he just gives me a small smile which i know is his way of silently saying you did good snowflake. With one last glare i go back to Demetri and sit down onto his lap where i feel comfortable and warm which is strange since we are both normally very cold but i'm not complaining because it's nice cuddling into him. In the corner of my eyes i see grandpa remove his arm from around grandma's waist then he walks over to Edward who has venom in his eyes which makes me smirk because he is now feeling the pain i felt when he said he was going to keep me away from Demetri.

Suddenly there is the familiar glow of the bifrost outside then seconds later asgardian guards walk in, in all their glorious armour which makes me miss home. They grab Edward from Felix's and place special made handcuffs around his wrist which will stop all of his vampire abilities from working. They will stop the chance of him escaping untill he is in the magical cells in the dungeons which i know will be able to hold him since those dungeons hold all sorts of magical beings. I watch as the guards drag a struggling Edward who is screaming for Carlisle to stop this outside and Carlisle didn't move once he just stared at Edward in disappointment.

"Snowflake we have to go with the guards, will you be okay without me?" Dad said and asked worriedly

"I will be okay dad because i have Demetri, Tony, Nat and Wanda with me" I said softly

"That's what i'm worried about, your around Tony who is a danger magnet" He said teasingly

"Says the god of mischief who is always causing or creating mischief at every opportunity possible" I said rolling my eyes

"Okay you got me there" He said putting his hands up in surrender

"Yeah i thought i would" I said smirking

"I mean it thought, be safe and Demetri treat her like the princess she is" Dad said firmly

"I will sir" Demetri's said with a nod of his head

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