- Chapter 10: None of that boy! -

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- Kara's Pov -

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- Kara's Pov -

When dad finishes telling us what happened at the Cullen's house he leaves the room saying how he needs to ring uncle Thor to tell him about everything that has happened and will happen leaving me and Demetri alone in the livingroom. Demetri stands up then walk over and sits beside me on the couch looking nervous and anxious making me feeling confused as to why he would feeling like that especially when we have been alone together before. I know he is worried about telling me something which i have no idea why he would feel worried because whatever happened before he met me means absolutely nothing to me seeing as we weren't even together.

"Love before we make our relationship official i have to tell you a few things and after you hear everything i will understand if you kick me out but i want you to know that i have changed now because you mean the world to me and i won't do anything to jeopardise that" He said nervously yet firmly

"You can tell me whatever you want and i will not kick you out because the things you did before me do not matter to me at all" I said softly

"I've been known as a player or a man whore for many years because i have been sleeping with a vampire in my coven called Heidi, she knows she isn't my mate so we just agreed to a casual thing till i find my mate then all those casual hooks up would stop. When i layed my eyes on you i didn't want any other girl except you because you are what makes me feel somewhat alive again and i'm going to do everything in my power to keep you beside me for all eternity because that's what i want, that's what i have been dreaming about since i turned. I'm so sorry if my man whore ways has made this difficult for you to commit to me but i promise that now i found you that i will be absolutely faithful, extremely loyal, protective and supportive because that's what you deserve" He said looking absolutely scared and nervous

"Right let me get a few things straight Demetri all that happened before you found me which gives me no reason to be angry, hurt, upset or even kick you out for, that was your past so all of that is just irrelevant and Heidi is definitely irrelevant because this is your new start. Now we have found each other i just want you to be faithful and loyal to me then everything else will just fall into place because you aren't your past Demetri, we together are our future" I said softly

"Your really not angry?" He asked in shock

"No why would i be when it's your past? You have been alive, well undead for many years i was expecting you to have had sex with many women" I said shrugging my shoulders

"You truly are a magnificent women love and i will be damned to loose you over something so meaningless, i hope your ready to be my winter goddess that i will love for the rest of my undead life because your right it's my past so we should focus on our magical future together and i can not wait to see what it has in store for us." He said smiling at me

"If i will be your winter goddess then you will be my sexy tracker and i can not wait to start my future with you because i now it will be nothing but amazing and beautiful" I said smiling back at him only to see dad appear infront of the couch with wide eyes as he looks at the front door

"KARA, LOKI! ARE YOU IN HERE!!" I hear the one voice i have missed for year's, it's the of my one and only protective grandpa!

"GRANDPA! IN HERE!" I yell back but immediately regret it when i see Demetri flinch

"I'm sorry Dem, i'm so sorry" I said softly with tears in my eyes because i've just caused my soulmate pain

"It's okay love, i promise it's okay" He said pulling me into his side

"Loki Odinson why am i only now hearing about my one and only granddaughter being in danger from Heimdall!" Grandpa said storming onto the livingroom

"Because i have it under control father, everything is under control and should be over with soon" Dad said looking nervous like he always does infront of grandpa

"If that's correct then why is that boy here and why is my princess cuddling into his side?" He asked dad looking at Demetri angrily

"Father that boy is Demetri and he is Kara's soulmate" Dad said nervously

"Soulmate! That's it me and Demetri are going to be having a talk because i have a couple things to say to this boy" He said with a glint in his eye that i know all to well

"Grandpa please" I said softly looking at him with my famous puppy eyes

"Not now princess, i just want to make sure he will not hurt you and leave you heartbroken because i do not want to see you like that again. I want you to be happy, loved, protected and most importantly unhurt" He said looking at me softly

"Fine but do not hurt him, i mean it grandpa when he comes back he better not have one hair out of place" I said pointing at him

"Got it, Not one hair out of place" He said reluctantly

"It will be fine love, have you forgotten who i am" Demetri said being all cocky

"That means nothing against my grandpa" I said nervously

"I know love but i know he won't hurt me because that means he will hurt you and he doesn't want that" He said then kissed my forehead

"No, no, none of that boy, outside now" Grandpa said sternly



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