- Chapter 9: Choose -

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- Loki's Pov -

Once Demetri has eaten his breakfast me and my little snowflake washed the dishes together and cleaned the rest of the kitchen while Demetri goes to split some logs for the fire. I know Kara is doing this because this is her own way of getting the reassurance she needs, she used to do this before i went on missions with the team. When we finish cleaning i say my goodbyes then i teleport straight to the Cullen's house only to appear in their livingroom making them all jump to their feet in surprise. I look around and notice Edward isn't here wich work's out perfectly then i see multiple pieces of paperwork on the coffee table which means i must have interrupted a coven meeting.

"My apologies for interrupting but i need to speak with you without Edward present" I said firmly

"No apologies needed sir, we were just having a meeting about what to do with Edward anyway while writing down all the times he crossed the line and broke my coven rules" Carlisle said politely

"Great well someone needs to write about how he was stood at the tree line outside my daughter's house last night while thinking how he's going to try to badly hurt Kara to hurt Demetri which will weaken Demetri then he will strike and kill Demetri" I said watching as Esme writes down what i say

"He did what!? I told him to stay away from Kara and he goes and does that! Carlisle you need to ring the Volturi he has gone unpunished for to long now it's time he faces the king's" Jasper snarled out

"You need to choose Carlisle think about everything and choose either to keep letting Edward ruin every second chance you get to reconnect with your soul brothers or ring your soul brother's to explain everything to them then they can help punish Edward and you can be back with them again like old times. It's time to choose what's best for you and your coven no more doing what is best for Edward because this is your coven no actually this is your family that you protect so protect them from Edward who is putting everyone in danger" I said softly not wanting to anger Carlisle even though i could win a fight if one broke out but i don't want to fight him

"I'm not going to let him put my family in danger anymore it's time i ring my brother's and ask for their help" He said with a thankful look in his eye's

"If you do that i know you will get your brother's back because i also know they have been miserable without you" I said softly

"How do you know so much about the king's?" Emmett asked curiously

"They have been my friends since i met them when i went on a avenger's mission, we got to talking and soon enough i asked then to be Kara's midgardian god parents and they took thay position very seriously to the point when she would go on missions alone they would send a guard to keep watch to make sure she was safe. They are more like family then they are friends even if Kara doesn't know that yet because back then it was too dangerous for her to know but now is a different story" I said thoughtfully and i see all of them staring at me in shock

"Carlisle go and ring them now and when Edward comes back make sure to keep all this hidden in your mind because he needs to be in the dark till this situation has the immediate attention we need but right now i need to get back to Kara to help Demetri keep her safe" I said snapping them out their shock

"Thank you Loki" Carlisle said then he vamp speeds away

I nod at the rest of the family then teleport back to Kara's cabin only to find my little snowflake sat on the couch eating a tube of ice cream watching Demetri lighting the fire topless with Blade beside her and Patch around her neck. I roll my eyes and summon one of my t-shirts then throw it at the back of his head making Kara snap her head towards me looking angry and i couldn't stop myself from laughing at her face.

"Kara please refrain from eye fucking you soulmate in my presence it's utterly disgusting for me to see my daughter looking at a boy like that" I said shivering as i see Demetri put the t-shirt on with a smirk on his face

"But daddd he's to good not to look at! It's yoir fault for spelling that ring for him!" She said folding her arms then pouted

"I regret doing that now" I said knowing i'm going to be seeing Demetri topless alot of times now

"I don't see the problem dad" She said shrugging her shoulders

"Oh you wouldn't snowflake, you definitely wouldn't but let's just say i don't ever want to see Demetri topless with me in the same room so keep it PG till i leave" I said rolling my eyes

"Okay even if it sucks, Demetri must stay fully clothed at all times in your presences" She said reluctantly

"It's not that bad love, you will see me topless one time or another" Demetri said then kissed her forehead

"Thank you snowflake, Demetri don't let the place get to hot because me and Kara can not handle heat very well due to our frost giant side" I said giving him a pointed look

"Of course sir, i just wanted to light it for a while to get some heat in the place. I will let it go out in a couple hours" He said politely

"Oh and Carlisle is now ringing the king's about Edward, the situation should be delt with sooner then we thought" I said smirking

"Thank grandpa's beard!" Kara said throwing her hands in the air


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