- Chapter 15: Their Judgement -

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- Kara's Pov -

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- Kara's Pov -

After me and Demetri walk around the woods letting Blade run around chasing after countless bunnies while Demetri told me the names of the volturi members that are coming and we talk about what we want we want to do once Edward and Bella are delt with, we finally walk back inside. Only to see that nearly all my furniture as been moved out the livingroom only leaving the couch, the coffee table and everyone stood around like statues. Demetri loops his arm with mine then walks me over to the couch and sits down with me in his lap which makes me blush bright red like a tomato. Dad and uncle Thor walk over and sit either side of Demetri while everyone else stays where they are and i know we are waiting for the Cullen's which shouldn't take long due to them having vamp speed. I was right because seconds after having that thought the Cullen's walk in with Edward carrying Bella behind them and all of them look fed up even Jasper. In a blink of an eye Felix is holding Edward head lock and Jane is behind Bella with her hand around Bella's throat, successfully restraining the both of them before they even get a chance to escape.

"Why are we here? Who are they?" Edward asked as he stops his struggling

"Judgement" Demetri said simply

"If that's happening why is that human here!?" Bella asked trying to pull away from Jane

"The human is here because he is Kara's soulmate" Dad said with an evil look in his eye's as he looks at Edward

"I thought you were Demetri's mate?" Edward asked confused

"I am" I said simply not wanting to tell him shit

"You can't-"

"You need to shut up Edward, you are already in enough trouble as it is which has resulted in you angering the volturi aswell as Asgardian royalty. So i suggest you leave Kara and her private life alone and focus on more important things that you need to worry about!" Carlisle said angrily

"I would listen to Carlisle young Edward" Aro said calmly which from what Demetri told Aro is anything but calm when he sounds calm

"Enough stalling, Edward Cullen you are here infront of the Asgardian royalty and volturi to face punishments for your crimes against the asgardian princess" Grandpa said wrapping his arm around grandma and he only does that when he wants to remain calm

"Isabella Swan you are here infront of the volturi for your part in tampering with a destined pair and your plans to use the princess for unjustified reason's" Aro said still sounding calm as a cucumber

"You can't do this to us!" Bella practically screamed at us

"We can and we will since you aren't a mated pair" Marcus said sounding bored

"Edward you are to serve be held on asgard in our dungeons being tortured in anyway i seem appropriate for you by whoever want's to participate in serving your torture. We may or may not kill you after you have served a hundred years but that decision won't be made by me, it's going to be made by the princess of asgard" Grandpa said still holding onto grandma

"You can't be serious, Carlisle you can't let them do this i'm your venom son!" Edward said in shock

"They are very serious Edward and you being my venom son has nothing to do with this because we share no soul bond, you just have my venom running through your veins. I'm not going to stop them because you have done more harm then good since i turned you and doing thatbwas the biggest mistake of my Immortal life" Carlisle said looking disappointed


"No buts Edward just shut your mouth!" Jasper snarled making me smirk

"Moving on, Isabella your punis-"

"IT'S BELLA!" Bella yelled making the vampire's in the room flinch including my Demetri

"I suggest you use your inside voice because if you make my soulmate flinch again the volturi won't be killing you i fucking will and no-one will be able to stop me!" I said angrily while glaring at Bella

"Thank you Kara, as i was saying Isabella your punishment is going to be far quicker then young Edward's. The first part of your punishment will be decided by the princess herself then the last part of your punishment is death" Aro said still sounding soo calm

"I don't want any part of this Aro, i just want this all over and done with" I said tiredly

"Kill her master, this has gone on long enough" Demetri said holding me close

"Of course Demetri" Aro said smirking and him saying Demetri's name got gasps out of Edward and Bella

Before Bella could say anything Aro takes Jane's place behind her and sinks his teeth into her neck making her screaming in pain which makes all the vampire's flinch yet again even Demetri and that makes me snap. I jump off Demetri's lap and run over to Bella grabbing her by the throat and rip her away from Aro who stupidly had a slack grip on her then i slam her up against the closet wall and let my frost giant side come out. I watch as her lips start turning blue, goes pale and her body starts to shake but i don't let go of her throat because i warned her yet she didn't listen and i'm not letting her get away with ignoring my warning.

"You shouldn't have ignored my warning Bella because now you are dieing in more pain then you would have been in if Aro killed you, now be a good bitch and take this pain without crying" I said coldly

"What is she doing to my Bella, make her stop" Edward said struggling to get away from Felix

"She's freezing Bella from the inside out" Dad said looking at me proudly

"No! Someone stop her!" Edward pleased but it feel on death ears

"To late" I said watching Bella die before my eyes with a satisfying smiling on my face

"Noooooo!" Edward crying out in sorrow

"Now Edward, it's time you accompany us back to asgard where your punishment will begin" Grandpa said looking at me proudly just like dad did

"I will join you father" Uncle Thor said with a unusual smirk

"Me too" Dad said smirking with a evil look in his eye


A/n: I would have uploaded more chapters tonight but my daughter has caught a bad cold and didn't fall asleep till now which is 10:13pm where i live so i will try to get more done tomorrow..

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