Cruel Fate

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"I hope you've got everything." My mother says as she helps Caleb, my older brother, pack my stuff on my side of the room.

"Either way we are not going back if you left anything." Caleb grunts as he tries to close the small door to my wooden closet. It's packed with uniforms, formal clothes and casual clothes, mostly casual clothes. A girl's got to be prepared.

"I wish we left you." I say. He chucks one of my throw pillows at me, I throw it back.

"Hey! this room is way too small for a world war to erupt between you two." My mother scolds us, grabbing the pillow from Caleb. He flips me off and I stick my tongue out at him.

"I think I've got all I need." I say to my mother and she smiles sadly at me. Oh no, I know that smile.

"My baby's all grown up." She says, I can see the tears forming in her eyes. She does this everytime.

"Here we go." Caleb mutters, she smacks him upside the head.

"It's the African in me, I just can't let you go. You're my baby girl." She says pulling me into a hug. I hug her back, she deserves one after all she's done for us.

"You're my baby boy too Caleb. Get in here." She calls from my shirt, holding out her hand to the oppiste direction to where he is. He groans loudly.

"Do I have to? I don't wanna-"

"You came out of me, boy come here." She shouts, he grumbles under his breath, probably about how he's a grown ass man, and comes to join us. He hugs our mother from behind and awkwardly pats me on the back.

Every single term we do this. My mother cries, she says we're growing up and then makes us do a long lasting family group hug.

My brother and I pretend to hate her shows of affection, but in the end they help keep our small family alive. It's just been the three of us, ever since my father left us stranded here in Arundel. We struggled to make ends meet, but things got better and my mother got a proper paying job and managed to send both my brother and I to private schools. We built our small life here, it has become our home.

Except for Caleb, he doesn't live very close to us, the dude is like a millionaire. He's extremely wealthy and succesful at twenty-five years old. He moved out when he was nineteen, bought our mama a house and a car when he was twenty-one and started paying my school fees by the time he was twenty-three. He may be an annoying douche most of the time, but I know that he loves us more than anything in the world.

I mean this school is a ridiculously fancy private boarding school for the elite's children, presidents, celebrities and all that shit. And then there's me, Caleb Huxley's little sister. I shudder at how I get people to recognize me.

"Okay, that's enough mom. I need to go and get my schedule for Monday and you need to get on home before it's dark." I state, breaking free of her hug. Caleb sighs in relief.

He's not a hugger.

"I know, I know. I guess you'll be fine, let's go then Caleb. Cora doesn't need me anymore apparantely." She sniffles and I roll my eyes.

"You're so dramatic." I say, she swats my arm.

"Girl I get it from you." She retorts. I'm pretty sure I get it from her, along with the dark skin, curly hair and brown eyes. Caleb skipped the dramatic gene, unfortunately for him.

"Can we leave now?" Caleb asks impatiently, ready to get back to his own appartment, or his office. He loves both places equally.

"Yes please." I say, ready to have them out of my space.

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