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Cora didn't think it was possible for someone to be able to stare this hard, or this long.

But hey, first time for everything.....right?
She was that someone, by the way.

She tried, she really did try to look away. Maybe even remember her name and home address, but the object in front of her was quite the sight to behold and rapidly deleting all of her brain memory, starting with simple words like hello and lemon.

The object being the prettiest forest green eyes she'd ever seen, attached to a masculine and angular face, accompanied by plump pink lips and little black spots littered across the creature's defined cheek bones.

He was gorgeous.

Gorgeous and glaring at her.

"Umm, wow. I-hi?" She sputtered, trying but not really able to regain her composure. At least English was slowly coming back to her.

Not like it's the language she grew up speaking or anything.

His glare intensified.

"Hello to you too. Quick question-" He begun but she cut him off, her mouth moving faster than her brain, which apparantly was still short circuiting.

"Cora, my name is Cora." She said, sure that he was going to ask for her name.

He didn't.


"I wasn't going to ask, but it's wonderful to put a name to the face of the girl who just drenched me in-" He sniffed his shirt, "What is this?" She couldn't think of a reply fast enough, she could only think of how rich and deep his voice was, and how curly the mop of black hair on his head was.

"Cinnamon, milk and chocolate. Blended together." She finally said.

"It was suposed to be resting comfy in my stomach by now."

"Unfortunately that atrocity, now resides on my shirt."

"Atrocity? That brown stain on your shirt is the best thing to ever hit my taste buds." Cora uttered defensively.

He snorted, "A tuna smoothie sounds more appealing." He said dryly.

"That's a bit far-fetched." She muttered, the man glanced at his shirt and then he looked back at her.

"Really?" He said, his tone mocking, so was his facial expression.

"Yep, I would happily get you one.....to prove it."

"Will you grab a new one? Or sample the leftovers that are currently and very uncomfortably dripping down my chest?" She could feel the heat spread across her cheeks when he finished his statement.

Thank God for her dark skin colour.

"The first option. I'm really sorry, I've got towels in my bag.." She dug through her sling bag, not noticing the way his green eyes twinkled with amusement.

Cora was absolutely mortified. I knew I should have stayed at home and finished rewatching Stranger Things, she thought to herself, she was unusually clumsy. Generally so, her pouring the contents of her 'smoothie' on some handsome stranger was proof enough. She was doing perfectly well hunting for those chocolate balls she adored so much and drinking her weird mixture of a smoothie.

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