Chapter 15

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'So she's that kind of woman' I thought as I extended my hand, She shaked my hand, her hand was litteraly Ice cold, just like her expression, I looked into her mana core, and saw she was Light Silver, She did the exact same.

"Initial Silver, Interesting." she said, I've deduced she doesn't like talking much, reminds me of someone. Before I could say something back Sylvie answered 'Kyu'.

"Is this your bond?" she asked as Sylvie jumped on her shoulder, I nodded and picked Sylvie upp.

"Cute" she said under her Breath although I heard it. 

"Anyways, Kaspian, Varay, I will take my leave"

"Y-yes, Note, but before you leave, here, Two way Communication Scroll, So I can Inform you when We the Dungeons are planned." Said Kaspian as he handed me the Scroll.

I nodded and stored the scroll in my ring, "Ill take my leave now, You'll hear from us soon" I said as I bowed a little and then waved to Varay, Me and Sylvie then just made are way back to the waiting hall.

As I found Jasmine I told her of my plans, we argued for a bit, But eventually she let up.


As we got through the telaportation gates, Me and Jasmine proceded  to run to and open space to put up camp. As we finished making our camp, Sylvie jumped off of the log she was sitting on, 'Papa, is it okay if I go hunting while your in Dungeons with Jasmine'

I could see how excited she was to go hunting, Its hard to let her go, but she needs to get stronger, alot stronger, and from what I can tell her body relies on mana just like mine, so I could only imagine how much stronger she could get if she were to hunt for 2 years straight.

'Fine you can go, But you will stay in the radius of our link, also we will meet everytime I finish a Dungeon myself so I can give you Mana Cores' 

I could feel her happiness through are bond making me smile, 'Thank you papa, you are the best' after that she ran into the woods. As I watched her walk away I thought about my plan for the next few years.

I needed to get stronger, that's a given, and the best way to do that would be to do as many dungeons as possible, so I dedcided to go do Dungeons when Jasmine is asleep, to not only test my abilitie's to there fullest, but also to push myself, where im at now, I could probably clear an AA-Rank dungeon myself, another reason I wanted to do this is because I need Sylvie to become stronger, If she can somehow make portals like Sylvia did that would be a huge help, and Sylvia said there is a Core Stage past White so I need to get there, and last but not least, i feel Like there is something more to this Beast will , Like the weird Purple motes I see when I activate Phase Two of my will.

As I was reminecsing, I realized it had already gotten dark and Jasmine had fallen asleep, so I carefully got ready to solo A dungeon, only bad part about this is I will have no Idea what Rank Of dungeon Ill be diving into, Once I was ready I started Burst Stepping to where I saw the closest dungeon from are map. 

Once I got there, I stood at the front of the cave like entrance, I couldnt exactly tell what Rank it was but I could atleast tell it was on the Higher end, i Then made my my down to start my first Solo Dungeon.


After A couple Hours of clearing the Dungeon of A-Rank beasts I finally made it to the bottom to the boss room, a set of very ommonous doors, so I pushed them opened and walked in.

I was greeted by a vaste Grass Field with verious Flowers and plants but in the middle of the field  is what looked to be a Giant Eagle of the sorts it seemed to be around 60 feet long with a long outstreched beack and long claws.

'A Great Eagle, A-A Rank Mana Beast, this should be a good test'


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