Chapter 10

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What was I supposed to do in this situation? Was I supposed to shake it or is someone of power like her expecting me to kiss her hand or something?

I just went with the safe route and shook her hand.

"Err... Nice to meet you too, Director."

The Director seemed a little taken aback by my introduction.

"Arthur! You're being rude! I'm so sorry for my son, Director Goodsky. He just returned home and is ignorant about formal customs." My mother pushed my head down with her hand while bowing herself, getting on one knee.

Apparently, when meeting someone of high standing, it was customary to get on one knee and shake the hand, while bowing.

How stupid.

"Kukuku, no it is quite all right. No offense taken at all. And please, Arthur, call me Cynthia." She let out a polite laugh with her free hand covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you at such a late time but unfortunately, the only free time I could make was after my meeting tonight. I hope you don't mind," she explained, looking at my parents.

"Nonono, we're thankful that you'd be willing to take the time out just to visit our son." My father was the one to speak this time.

By the amount of formality I had started wondering if this granny could compare to Grandpa Virion.

Director Cynthia nodded at this. "True, it isn't very often that I take a house trip to visit a potential student. Otherwise, even with a hundred bodies, I wouldn't be able to fit the time."

"However, Vincent is a good friend and has contributed greatly to Xyrus Academy. So when he had excitedly come up to me about a prodigy that is living in his home, I couldn't help but get excited as well. I must say that my curiosity got the best of me. Do you mind leading me to an open space so I can see a demonstration?" She continued on, her gaze fixed at me in an assessing manner, I could tell she was checking my core.

She widened her eyes in Surprise and asked "Oh my, Arthur how old are you?"

"I am Eight, Directer"

"Looks like your more of a prodigy than I thought, for humans to awaken at six is rare, but to have a Light yellow core at your age is astonishing." She looked towards Vincent and asked "Can you  lead us to a open space for a demonstration?"

"O-of course Director." Vincent awnsered

Then he led us out side to the spot were my Dad and I sparred last time, as we seperated far enough away she asked. "Are you going to use a weapon?"

"Seeing as your not going to use your wand than No." I replied

"Then let us Begin." 

[Thunderclap Impulse]

Without wasting a second I used Internal Thunderclap Impulse and sped in front of her while making a sword of Ice, I swung at her neck only to be blocked by a wind barrier, I then was shot  away from her with a large gust of air, as I was flying I used Gravity Magic to Bring myself back to the ground, I looked back at her and was met by a Wide-eye Director, she broke out of her trance and then conjured 4 small Tornados and sent them towards me, I covered my hand in Wind and went through all four tornados efectevly canceling them out as I was back on the ground I covered my fist in wind, and used the little sound magic I know or rather Illusion magic, and made myself Invisible and sped behind her and then canceled the Illusion and slammed my fist against the barrier and broke it.

As soon as it broke I heard a Ear piercing Scream resonate through my head and fell to my knee's.

She's a Deviant

I steadied myself, taking a glance at my opponent who was staring back at me with a mildly impressed expression on her face.

"That should be enough for a demonstration, right, Director?" I rubbed my temples.

She regained her senses and made her way towards me when I hear my father's voice.

"A-Arthur... You know how to use Ice, Gravity and Sound attribute spells as well?"

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