Chapter 14

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As he said that I unsheathed my Normal sword and sped straight at him an swung down on him, I could tell he wasn't expecting my speed, He then blocked and pushed me off with his strength and once I had secure footing I looked up and he was on me in an instant, seeing as we wouldn't get anywere with just a sword fight I decided not to hold back as much.

[Black Impulse]

As soon as I said that I launched foward again and seeing that I was faster than before and could percieve better I tried my luck with a swordfight.

I kept slashing and stabbing but everytime he would Either block or parry, I took a step back and came up with a plan, but before I could move forward with it I saw Him lunge his sword at me, and I knew to get the hell out of there, and I did just that.

'So this is the famous [Wind Bullet]' I thought as I wieved inbetween the bullets, I could see the shock evident on his face, I was about to try something and I really didnt know if it would work, I conjured blue flames around me to hide what I was doing.

[Realmheart Phase Two]

Once I had it active I looked at his sword as I was dodging his Bullets, I could see the Wind mana flowing round him as I was observing him I was starting to replacate the spell, But a little different instead of my sword they were forming around me, so I dont have to get into a weird stance, he then stopped shooting the Bullets as he saw me forming my own as they finished I fired them just like his, now it was my turn to watch him dodge.

As he was dodging them I decided to jump in myself to throw him off, I sped at him with Lightning covering my sword and aimed my sword at his neck as he was facing away from me, he ducked under my swing and swiftly turned around with his rapier and intended to pierce my shoulder.

 Unfortunatly for him I am the better swordsman.

Pushing my reflexes to a Maximum, Time seemed to be slowing down, not static void, But something I learned a while ago using my Knowledge from my past life about the human body, I was able to Use my mana on a single point of my body to enhance it to the upmost limit, and having a dragon body, that limit was Higher than any human could dream of, I pushed all of the mana I could into my Eyes and legs.

[Burst Step]

I was instantly behind him with my lightning covered sword resting on his neck, all I left behind was an afterimage. He didn't respond for a couple seconds as the cheers and murmurs were spread about.

"Release" he said and I did just that sheathing my sword and taking a couple steps back while he was cleaning the small drops of blood escaping from his neck.

After a few moments to calm down, he spoke, "Note, your swordsmanship is incredible. Your skills for Magic is also amazing. Your skills exceed those of and AA-Rank Adventurer, but I cant put you in S-Rank right out of the beginging. With that said. Note, AA-Rank!"  As he said that the stands erupted into chatter and cheers, I didn't want the attention but I already decided that it isn't a big deal to hold back too much, I just walked up the stairs to jasmine and I could see her mouth agape, I've already told her about my Abillities, but it seems she had doubts.

"You'll catch Flies if you keep your mouth open like that" I said chuckling at the line Sylvia said to me alot.

"I knew you were strong, but this strong....." she said letting her words trail off, I just shrugged and she did aswell and headed of towords the receptionist to get my Adventurer's card. 

Once we got there she handed me the card a little fearfully from what I could see, altough I dont blame her, when we started walking away she called out to me.

"Mr. Note, Mr. Bladeheart would like to have a word with you, she caught me off guard telling me that so I just looked towords Jasmine and she Nodded, so I followed the receptionist to his office.

Once I was In his office I saw him sitting in his chair and another person standing next to him.

"Note I'm glad you came" Kaspian said with a smile.

"I dont have much time, so tell me what you want" I said with a cold tone of voice.

"Looks like you are that kind of person. *sigh* Well, you should already know, but Dungeons at AA-Rank or higher are quite rare, but also dangerous. For these kind of situations, I make a team of High ranking adventurer's that will clear said dungeons. Note, you are an AA-Rank adventurer yourself and are very, very skilled. Do you want to join that team? Of course everything you find will be yours."

After pondering for a few moments, I answered, "Ill join. But only if Jasmine can join."

Kaspian thought a few moments and then smiled. "Alright, we can do that. She's also very skilled and wont hold back the team."

"So we have a deal" I told him while extending my hand. Kaspian smiled and Shaked my hand. He looked to the person and Started, "Now that you are a member of the team, The person next to me is also your Teammate."

I looked to the person.......or rather the woman. She has long white hair with bangs covering her eyebrows, Grey eyes and an almost unnoticible scar on her right eyebrow, also a human. After I looked her up and down, I had to admit she was more beautiful than most woman from both my lives, but alas I dont feel any attraction towords her like Kathlyn, shaking my head I greeted, "Nice to meet you. As you already know, I'm Note, AA-Rank."

She looked at me with absolutely no expression, and spoke once again with no emotion in her voice, "Nice to meet you Note, Varay Aurae, S-Rank."

(Lemme know what you think so far, and of adding varay into the mix)

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