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"Ugh" I said as I pushed The door to my room open, and jumped onto the bed.

'I defenatly went overboard, hell I even Released some of my Bloodlust, Luckily they just accepted and left' I thought, After they left I had to defuse the whole situation with Everyone else, Of course they were worried, I just made the King of Sapin Kneel to an Eight-year old boy, Luckily I didn't  get to much of a scolding from my parents, well my dad was just proud.

That was the First time I've used Static void on anyone else other than Gramps, And I broke his leg. Man, I really hope they heed my warning.

As I was laying on my bed I let my thoughts Drift, and somehow they ended up on Princess Kathylyn, I felt my face heat up again.

'Why is this happening, Is it cause of this hormonal body, No, Otherwise I would be atrracted to Tess, Then what is it, is this what they call lo- NOO, Its not' I shook my head and took the package Vincent left for me and opened it. Only to see a completely white mask that was able to cover my entire face. It was a simple mask, with two sharp eye slits that curved upwards; it reminded me of a fox's eyes. There was no nose or mouth hole; just a singular Lavender streak that ran straight down the left side of the mask, through the left eye slit, Just Like the color of my Eye's.

I tried the mask on, which somehow stuck to my face without the need of a strap. I also tried on the Purple coat, which turned out to be a little long. After strapping on the coat, it suddenly shrunk to fit my body perfectly.

I couldn't help but be embarrassed; I felt like some sort of wannabe assassin or vigilante.

"Ahh, ahh. Testing. Testing." The tone of my voice surprised me. It sounded completely different. My immature, high-pitched voice had become a rich, baritone.

"Kuu?" Sylvie just looked at me curiously, causing me to laugh and take off my getup.

"Aren't you excited? Don't you want to get a little bit of action as well, Sylv?" I patted her head, as my head swam with images of being an adventurer.

"So... who's it going to be?" My father took a sip of his coffee, setting it down on the round wooden table we were all seated around.


We had been currently just finished eating breakfast with the Twin Horns party., who The group had chosen a rather modest inn full of lively chatter. As they conversed while eating breakfast, while my Mother was currently busy wiping off the remains of food chunks bits of food that had managed to escape my sister's mouth off of her.

"Kuu!" Sylvie hopped up onto the table, with her head held high. Even without her mentally transmitting, everyone was able to make out that, 'I'm enough to protect Papa!', everyone was able to tell that that's what she was thinking.

"Sylviee! Come here~!" My sister waggled a piece of meat in front of Sylvie, tempting my legendary dragon bond, who instantly began to drooling like a starving puppy, right before she leapt into my sister's arms.

When I saw this, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Sylvie wagging her tail at a bandit smart enough to simply lure her away with a piece of meat.

Apparently my father's ex-party members had just finished a dungeon exploration with several other parties, so they had some free time before their next mission or quest. Thus, it wasn't really a matter of if they had the time, but rather if any of them wanted to.

Adam, who was spoke up first while polishing the tip of his spear, was the first to speak up., "Babysitting doesn't really fit my style, so I'll pass on this. Besides, I feel like, with my personality, Arthur might kill me in my sleep one day."

Despite the joke, my father responded with a solemn nod. He knew what kind of temperament Adam had, and in-turn knew that they weren't likely to get along with each other.

"I was hoping that Durden or Helen would accompany Arthur. Honestly, although I can't offer much, but Alice and I are more than willing to compensate you guys in whatever way we can if you do this."

"Don't talk like that, Rey, we're all family here. I, for one. would love to accompany him and watch him grow, anyhow," the gentle giant responded, his narrow eyes becoming even smaller as he smiled.

"Durden is right. You, of all people, should know that we aren't doing this for the money. Besides, we managed to get quite a bit of treasures off from of our last dungeon raid." Helen said, shaking her head.

Suddenly, a silent hand shot up, making everyone at the table turn to look.

"I would like to volunteer."

"J-Jasmine? You, you want to go with Arthur?" Angela sputtered, looking at her brusque companion in shock.

Angela had made it clear about how eager she was to accompany me, but I felt like Angela would be a greater source of danger than any of the possible threats of an adventurer. I tried to lightly hint that she might not be the most suitable but even I was surprised that Jasmine would take the initiative to accompany me.

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