(10) The Moon (10)

Start from the beginning

"Alph?" He called out. She didn't respond, probably in the bathroom crying about those characters. He gave a sigh of relief. Sci couldn't believe his luck, how many times had Alphys nearly caught the teenager?

He immediately began to rush the youth out of his lab, hushing a quick 'go go go'. He nervously looked to his left, to his right and to his left again. Eventually, the pair made it to the door, which opened automatically. Palette was given one final shove. He was no longer Sci's problem.

"Good luck kid, if you survive, I'll be sure to put you down in my journal." Sci pat the kids back as Palette mounted Broomie.

"Okay, thanks!... I think." Palette gave an awkward smile and a wave to Sci. Broomie took off, with a lot less oomph than last time, probably because Broomie was willing now.

Palette clutched onto the neck of the brush as he re-entered the AUs. He had no idea Broomie had such teleportation powers! But... Apparently he couldn't teleport to things too far off, otherwise they would've teleported to the destroyed AU.

Palette let out an exasperated sigh at seeing the familiar sights of the AUs. The terrain with beautiful doors and papers dangling from who knows where. This was a much expanded part of the doodlesphere and it reverberated across the entire multiverse.

"Okay Broomie. To Dreamtale." Palette whispered, with that, Broomie launched forward.



After flying for what seemed to be forever, Palette could feel his bones getting sore. This really had taken longer. He watched as Broomie's mighty strength began to stagnate, meaning it would need to take a rest somewhere.

Palette glanced around, he really didn't want to crash land somewhere.

That's when he saw it.


The treehouse! The scarf sanses!

Palette gave a gasp of relief as he turned Broomie's neck to face the AU.

"Don't worry Broomie! We can rest up there! I'm sure my parents have already turned the AU upside down trying to find us so they probably won't check there again... I hope." Palette shrugged as he sent himself and the brush into Outertale.

Palette knew where the treehouse was off by heart, so thankfully he soared out of vision of the casual pedestrians of Outertale and straight to it. But he froze. When he saw six figures outside of the treehouse.

Uh oh, it looks like the star sanses were giving the scarf sanses a real telling. Palette zoomed behind the treehouse, resting Broomie against the trunk as he poked his head around to listen.

Thankfully, the star sanses had their back against the tree, which means the scarf sanses was facing it.

"I cannot believe your irresponsibility, Paperjam. You're the oldest! You're nineteen for stars sake! You should know better than to send your younger brother into an AU that you yourself don't fully understand, better yet? You won't tell us where you shot him off to!" Blue yelled, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah? Well tough luck! None of us are spilling. Not even Blueprint." PJ crossed his arm and turned his head defiantly.

"Blue, yelling at them won't get Broomie back!" Cried Ink dramatically, Dream sent his friend a look.

"Is that all that matters to you? That brush? What about our son that is quite literally missing!?" Dream threw his arms up.

"Oh yeah.. Smudge too."

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now