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Jisoo's Pov:

''What do we do now?'' A distant voice spoke.

''We do nothing, boss said he'll be here as soon as he realises his bitch is lying limp here''

''But where's boss?''

''He'll be here, how much time do we have till they wake up?''

''The smoke's effect doesn't last long, so they will be up any minute now.''

Everything about the conversation, was making it clear that we were surrounded by unknown people, neither they knew us nor do we.

As i adjusted my eyes to the room's light. I realised i was tied up in a chair with lisa, jennie and rosé in the same condition beside me.

They weren't awake yet, i continued to analyse around me and what i figured was that, we were in somewhat look like an old warehouse.

Just then, jennie started to wiggle in her chair. ''Jennie-yah, shushh be quite we are not alone!'' I whisper shouted.

''Unnieee...where are we? OH MY GOD! Have we been kidnapped again?? Are we going to die??'' Rosé panicked that caused lisa's body to be jolted awake.

''Fuck!'' Lisa muttered

''Oh come on, be qui-..''

On note, footsteps approached and  the door was opened roughly. Two men entered with guns leashed around them.

''Who the fuck are you?'' Jennie spoke.

''My my, looks like this one is the feisty one.'' Said one of them.

''She's pretty'' the other one walked foward, toward her. We could do nothing with our hands and legs tied. He dragged his index on the sideburns of jennie's face.

''Don't fucking lay a finger on her, you asshole!'' Lisa snapped and roughly tried to free herself, but in vain.

''Ahhh'' Rosé whimpered when the man in front of jennie aimed his gun on her head. She was already shivering out of fear.

''You don't command me here, but i do, so just shut the fuck up before i blow this blonde's pretty ass head here'' he laughed devilishly.

''Okay! Fine, leave her alone we'll stay quite. Lisa shut up please!'' I said quickly with a pleading look. My priority was to get everyone out of here safe and sound. And right now, staying quite and listening to them seemed to be the best option.

With that, they left the dusty room. Soon after, a car arrived, outside the room and it felt like all the people outside, were rushing around.

Haein where are you?

Haein's Pov:

I followed taehyung into the elevator. We were currently in Jisoo's apartment building. He pressed the buttons and i stayed still.

The thought of jisoo is out with someone else, make me feel hard to breathe and I can't seem to shake off the anger and jealousy that is causing this.

Taehyung took long steps toward their apartment, while I wasn't so sure if I should go. Is she back already?

''Haeinn!'' Taehyung yelled to grab my attention. His face was saying it all, no no no no shit!

I ran to the apartment door, and everything was a mess. The magazine on the coffee table were scattered. The door was broken, there was piece of glasses everywhere on the floor.

''Damn it! They took all of them. Call Jungkook and Jimin right now!''
I panicked when i saw droplets of blood on a specific area of the floor.

I dashed to Jisoo's room and digged into her dressing table's drawer. ''They are not picking, do you think they were taken too?''

''We need to act fast, come on tae I know how to get to them!'' I said quickly and exited the apartment.

''Hello Roger, I need you to look at the location of tracker number 2 and send it to me immediately!'' I commanded my trusted man to do the task while I went down to the parking lot with a trailing taehyung.

Soon after, Roger sended me the location, alongside Taehyung who was anxious, furious and scared for her Jennie, I drove there without any delay. With the speed we drove, not even five minutes later we barged into the warehouse where he kept them.

It was confirmed that Marco was here, after i eyed his car. I signaled taehyung to stay low and not rush because that could cause harm to the girls.

We navigated through the corridor and found two guard standing infront of a door. The girls!

''Tae, that room! Give me cover!'' I said and moved in slow steps, not to attract their attention, with my gun already loaded and ready to fire.

I would love to kill those bastards ruthlessly, but right now i need to get the girls out. The ones, who are in this situation because of me.

Fuck! If I hadn't left the apartment in anger this wouldn't have happened. I plugged my silencer on the tip of my gun and aim straight on their forhead between their brows.

With the least sound made, i succeeded to tackled both the guards. Giving taehyung access to the room while i would check out if there are more.

Once i made sure no other guards were close to us, i entered the room and instantly felt my body heat up with anger.

Jimin and Jungkook were in a bad state, piled up on the floor like they have been beaten up for hours.

''Shit! Kookie! Jimin-ah! Haein come help me!'' I broke out of my thoughts and bend down to hold them. To my relief they had conciousness but were weak.

''Come on, let's get them out first! They we'll go for the girls.'' Teahyhung held jungkook while i put jimin's right hand above my neck to have a better hold.

We nagivated our way back to the gate we entered from because we were sure all the guards on that path would not wake up anytime soon.


We settled the boys in the back of the car. ''We'll be back, if anything happens just take the car and go!''
I turned my back to return inside the warehouse but

''Hyung!'' Jimin called.

''Get the girls out safe! My Rosie!''


A/N: So sorry for the late update, let's unfold the story together shall we? Thank you for reading! It means a lot, to see appreciation for bare imaginations. I hope to be better everytime and create what you'll want.

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