29: The Beginning of the End IX

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The Beginning of the End
Part 9

Jake was pinned under a monster and there was nothing Susie could do about it. They hadn't even had time to prepare when they'd seen the dead coming. They were quickly overrun, mainly because of their lack of skill and finesse in dispatching the undead.

Susie didn't think this was the time to say I told you so, but she had told Jake that a stationary camp for too long was a bad idea.

"Sue! Go! Get the boys, go!"

Susie wasn't stupid. She'd already lifted her knife and fought her way to the boys. She had both of them clinging to her, trekking the short distance to the car and flinging them both inside, instructing them to stay put.

She was quick to hurry back to camp, throwing her arm forward to wedge her knife into the heads of any monster that stumbled into her path. It took time, but she eventually fought her way to her brother. He had killed off as many of the dead as he could, but from what Susie could see, had eventually fallen victim to his injuries.

"Susie?" Jake mumbled, looking up at her.

"Hey- hey, Jake," Susie whispered, kneeling down next to him, lifting his head into her lap.

"You were- you were right," he muttered, "staying was a stupid idea."

"No, no, you were- you were just trying to help me," Susie said, not wanting his last moments to be full of blame.

"Yeah, but now look what I've done," Jake chuckled, "I've just made it worse."

"Please don't say that, Jake. I- I love you. So much."

"Love you too, sis," Jake smiled, "you gotta look after the boys, okay?"

"I will. I will," Susie sniffed, brushing his blood soaked hair from his eyes.

"Here, take this," Jake muttered, lifting an arm to yank a chain from around his neck. He set it in her hand, letting her take a look.

He'd handed her his class ring, hanging from a dog-tag-like chain.

"Don't forget me, yeah, sis?" Jake chuckled, smiling up at her.

"I- I wouldn't forget you, Jake. Never," Susie promised, pulling the chain over her neck and tucking it under her shirt for safe keeping.

"Please don't let me be one of them, Sue," Jake pleased, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry that I have to ask you to do this. But please. Please don't leave me like that."

"I won't. I promise," Susie said, "I made a deal, didn't I?"

"You did, didn't you?" Jake laughed, eyes beginning to droop.

"I love you, Susie. You're gonna be just fine. I know you will. You'll survive this shit," Jake coughed, trying his hardest to hang on just a little bit longer.

"I love you too, Jake," Susie said softly, "I love you, you can rest now."

"I'm sorry, Susie. I'm so sorry," Jake whispered, "I'll see you again when you're all old and wrinkly."

Susie laughed, smiling down at him as his eyes drifted closed for good. He was bleeding from a huge bite on his arm, and he had blood splattered all over him, he appeared to be heavily injured, though Susie couldn't see much in the dark. But it was a wonder he'd lasted long enough to say goodbye.

Susie didn't wait long to press her knife against the base of his skull. She kissed his forehead, whispering words of love and encouragement as his breathing picked up, becoming almost panicked as if he was trying to cling to his life. Tears were falling down Susie's face and she almost couldn't bring herself to do it.

The decision was made for her when the undead started to close in. They hadn't gotten them all and it was going to be difficult to get to the car at this point.

They had approached much faster than she'd expected, and Susie was forced to jump to her feet and start fighting them off. They stayed clear of Jake for the most part, following what looked like more interesting food in Susie.

As much as she wanted to stay- to take care of and bury her brother- she knew hanging around wasn't a good idea. So she ran, hitting the side of the car in her rush, unable to slow down in time.

She climbed in the driver's seat, wiping her eyes and starting to drive off.

"Wait! Susie, where's Jake?"

Susie didn't want to ignore the boys, but it was all too fresh. Too terrifying.


"He's with mom and dad now, guys," Susie said, "he's with mom and dad."

The boys kept shouting, not taking this for an answer anymore.

"Luke! Liam!" Susie shouted, "Just- stop, okay? He's gone. It's just us now."

"Susie, we can't leave him!" Liam shouted.

"The monsters will get him!" Luke chimed in.

"The monsters already got him, okay!" Susie cried, "They already got him."

The boys were quiet after this, not really understanding what she was saying.

"They got him, okay?" Susie said, hands holding the steering wheel as tight as she could.

"But- they can't-"

"I'm sorry guys. Jake is gone. He isn't coming back. It's just the three of us now," Susie said, "we've gotta be careful. We've gotta take care of each other."

"What are we gonna do, Susie?"

Susie sighed, checking the rear view mirrors and deciding that they'd driven far enough for the night.

She pulled over, parking the car on the side of the road. She knew it wasn't the safest idea, given the fact that people were so much more dangerous than the dead. And people would see the car as a very tempting cache of supplies.

Susie turned around, facing the boys in the back seat. They both seemed terrified, their faces screwed up as they both tried not to cry.

Susie's face was stained with blood, her tears having cut tracks in it like streams cutting valleys into the harsh scape of a mountain range.

"You two are gonna pay very close attention, okay?" Susie said, looking between Luke and Liam. They nodded, too scared to speak.

"We are not safe," Susie said, "nowhere we go is safe, okay? No matter what, you two have to listen to me. You have to do everything I say, exactly as I say it."

"What's gonna happen now?" Luke asked, lip quivering.

"We're gonna keep moving. We're not going to sit still, ever," Susie said, "do you understand?"

"Yes," Liam nodded, eyes wide.

"Luke?" Susie called, "Do you understand?"

"Y- yes," Luke said, eyes darting around the car.

"Good," Susie nodded, "good. Okay. We'll stay here in the car for the rest of the night. You too sleep, I'm going to be keeping watch. If you need me, knock on the window lightly, okay?"

The boys both nodded again, curling up in the back seat to sleep.

Susie sighed, climbing out of the car. She sat on the hood, gun in hand, knife sitting by her leg. She stayed alert, eyes never ceasing in scanning the trees for signs of life- or death.

Susie couldn't have slept if she tried.

The faces of her mother, her father, and now her brother haunted her every time her eyes blinked shut.

"What the fuck am I gonna do now?"

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