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Kenzie stood in shock as she looked to the pregnancy test. It was positive. She had no idea what she was going to do. She was scared.

She knew how everything was a mess. She knew how she and Warren weren't exactly careful. But she also knew that the last thing that she expected was to get pregnant. Especially with all that was going on.

Warren was in prison. It was a mess. she knew that it was a mess now that she was pregnant.

Kenzie looked to see Chloe as she walked out of the room. "Well?" Chloe asked as she looked to her sister. 

Kenzie sighed. "It's positive. I don't know what I am going to do," she said as Chloe looked to her and smiled.

Chloe pulled her into a hug. "I know that you're probably so scared right now. I'm here for you. But it will be okay. You're my sister. I am here for you.  You need to see Warren and tell him. I know that the situation isn't ideal. But he got you pregnant. He needs to know."

Kenzie looked to her sister and smiled. Kenzie knew the mess of it all and sue knew how scared that she was. she knew that Chloe was right. How she had to go and see Warren and tell him.

But Kenzie also knew that she was scared. She was scared to tell him. She didn't know how he would react. She didn't know what she was going to do.

He was set up and in jail for something he didn't do. She couldn't have a baby when her partner was in jail.

Kenzie knew how much of a mess it was. She was scared. She knew that getting pregnant wasn't planned.

But this wasn't how she planned on having a baby.


Kenzie walked through the village. She felt terrible. She didn't know if it was the pregnancy or the stress of everything. But she hated it.

She knew that she was going to see Warren later. She knew that she was going to tell him that she was pregnant. But she was scared. She had no idea how he'd react.

Kenzie saw Grace and groaned. She knew that grace was the last person that she wanted to see. Especially as she knew that Grace was the one who set Warren up. She was the reason that he was inside.

Kenzie knew that it was something that she wasn't going to forgive so easily if at all.

"Kenzie," Grace said as she caught up to her.

Kenzie rolled her eyes and turned to face her. "What do you want?" She asked. She was not in the mood.

"I want to talk to you. Please. I know that you're mad at me. But please. I am your mother," Grace said. 

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Mother? Is that what you call yourself. You were never my mother...our mother. You lied to us for years. And when the truth came out what did you do? You take away the one person I needed more than anything. You have no right to call yourself my mother," she spat as she walked off.

Kenzie didn't even want to be near her. She didn't want to talk to her. Kenzie didn't care what Grace had to say. She had her own problems to deal with. And Grace was not one of them.

She knew that she seemed cold and heartless. But she also knew that she was driven that way.


Kenzie got to the prison. She smiled as she saw Warren as he sat down. He looked to her and frowned.

He could tell that she wasn't herself. "Kenz. Are you okay?" He asked as he grabbed her hand. 

She looked to him and smiled slightly. "I have been better."

Warren frowned. "Why? What's going on. You know that you can talk to me," he said. 

Kenzie nodded. "I need to tell you something.  I don't know how you are going to react. But I'm scared," she said. 

Warren looked to her and frowned. "What is it? You know you can tell me anything," he said.

"I need you to get out of here. I need you Warren. Because I'm pregnant," Kenzie said as Warren looked to her in shock

He was going to be a dad. But could he find a way out of jail so that he could be there for her?

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