Prologue: Possessed

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Luz ran through the woods when she saw Hunter standing in the middle of it all. 

"Hunter, are you OK? Did you... did you see Belos?" Luz asked.

As Emperor Belos took over Hunter's body, Hunter tried his best to fight against the possession.

"Oh, Hunter. The day I created you from my brother's image was the day you were born. And I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in you," Belos said. "I find it quite fun how you fight against me, Golden Guard."

"I am no longer your pawn, Belos! I have my own life! I have my own friends! I am loved!" Hunter cried out. "And I won't let you control me like you did back then!" 

Belos smiled a wicked, sadistic smile. "We'll see about that," he said, taking full control of Hunter. 

Luz got a bit closer. "Hunter, we're scared. Flapjack is scared. Whatever's going on, you know you can tell us! We'll listen!" 

Hunter turned around, now fully possessed. "Luz, it's nice to see that your magic is working once again. But all this wild magic is getting out of hand," he said. 

"Impossible! I thought the Collector destroyed you!" Luz said.

The possessed Hunter let out an evil laugh. "Oh, Luz. You may not know it, but it's all thanks to you I've been able to come through the portal." 

At that moment, Flapjack tried flying towards Hunter to see if he was alright, but instead, Belos snatched the palisman and began to squeeze him in his malicious hand.  

"Would you be upset if you had to say goodbye to this little guy? Such a shame, Hunter. Ever since those witches came into your life, you've grown soft. All this trauma you've created for yourself just shows you're pathetic!" Belos said, squishing Flapjack. 

After Belos killed Flapjack, Hunter shone through the possession, tears streaming down his face. Anger flowing through Hunter's body made the tears hot, causing him to throw a punch at Belos, trying to aim for the monster's face. This just made the possession more powerful.

"You can try all you want, but your emotions are no match for me!" Belos roared. Hunter became paralyzed, unable to move. "What? Are you afraid you'll hurt your friends?" Hunter, feeling powerless against Belos, allowed the monster to take full control over the traumatized Grimwalker. 

The fight began, although Hunter's friends did not actually want to fight their friend. Halfway through the epic battle, Vee jumped in front of everyone. She took a deep breath, readying herself to exorcise Hunter. 

"Hunter is still in there somewhere! Please be careful with him!" Willow cried.

Hunter laid down on the ground, Flapjack struggling to fly towards his owner. The palisman ended up resting on Hunter's lower abdomen, spreading greenish goo all over Hunter before passing. The possession was over, but more trauma was yet to come. 

Hunter stood up and faced the others as they watched Belos, in his demon form, enter the portal to the Demon Realm. Determined to go home and stop Belos, the gang entered the portal. 

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