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The girl was dying of laughter until a book flew in her direction which was thrown by non other than Jungkook himself who was still on the ground.

"owie" she exclaimed.

"Eat it up" finding the guy smirking in her direction she took a nearest book and threw it towards him, thanks to his senses he ducked that one but soon more books were thrown to him.

Trying to avoid being hit by the books at the same time reaching for more books to attack his opponent.

Both of them blindly picked books from shelves and attacked each other with occasional words against each other.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" the librarian shouted seeing the mountain of books scattered and the rack of book empty.

"Not my beautiful face, you moron" he  heard Y/n's voice followed by Jungkook's.

"Take this too you bish"

"What these kids are doing" he muttered before jumping in to stop them.

"Stop this both of you" he said but who was going to listen to him.

Picking a book from ground will take you more time and you need to save yourself in that duration. Hence Instead of taking the risk, both decided to ruin the beautifully arranged sections of books.

"Hey not th.." the librarian moved back when a book almost hit him.

Well! In battlefield noone is safe.

Before he could think anything. A book hit his right arm, thrown by Jungkook.

"ISAID STOP THIS RIGHTNOW" he shouted in one breath.

Both of them froze in their place. Y/n with a book ready to be thrown and Jungkook with his hand on the book still on the shelf.

The librarian shook his head in displeasure.

"Ow." Y/n managed to hit Jungkook one last time with book in her hands.

Jungkook too lift the book but kept it back when the furious gaze of librarian landed on him.

"Sorry" y/n muttered when he turned to her.

"Oh my god" they heard a gasp from Eunji who magically appeared at the crime scene.

The criminals(Jk and yn) had their head down still managing to glare at each other.

"You both" the librarian started, "Wanna explain?" he folded him arms in front.

"It was him/her" the criminals blamed each other.

"He/She started it"

"You threw the book first" Y/n pointed at Jungkook.

"You laughed at me"

"That was funny"

"that wasn't."

"Enough" the librarian had enough of them.

"Both of you clean this place or go to the Principal" he said and went back to his table.

"It's all your fault" they again blamed each other ready to start the commotion again.

"The bell will ring in few minutes. Go attend your classes and come back after that, if you don't want your parents to know about the great act of yours" they heard the librarian who was sipping from his coffee mug now.

They both skipped through the books, outside the doors.

"Wait" y/n said to Eunji and ran back inside while Jungkook left.

"I forgot our lunch" y/n showed the boxes to her friend who had lot of questions.

"You just need gew minutes to get yourself in trouble, don't you" Eunji asked as she took a bite from her lunch.

Y/n gave a cheeky smile with a shrug in response.






"What were we thinking while doing this?"

"We weren't"

Y/n and Jungkook were standing infront of the mess they made. After classes like the good kids they were, they came in library. (actually they don't want this to reach their home).

With hands on their hips they sighed.
Long way to go and they haven't even started yet.

Jungkook, "Start arranging the books"

"First differentiate them" y/n said.

"Why don't you do it yourself" he angrily said.

"We both are supposed to be doing this" she replied in same tone.

"Are you waiting for special invitation then" he sarcastically commented picking a book from ground. Looking at the genre.

"Don't you dare to start anything" warned y/n with two books in her hands.

He placed the book on the shelf, "I have no interest wasting my time with dirt like you".

She too kept the books beside his, "Like I'm dying to get involved with the trash aka you"

"You are such a time waster" he complained picking two books at a time.

"And you a complete waste man" she replied.



Their laughed echoed in the empty room. Halfway through the task, they didn't even realised when they sat down together with a book making fun of random photos.

One side the books were still scattered while other side was cleaned and books were already arranged.

"Look at this" Jungkook pointed at another image and both burst out laughing.

They turned some more pagess and book came to end that's when realisation hit them and both jumped up, away from each other.

Picking books from their feet they started working again.

Few minutes later~

"Why is your friend even here?" Jungkook asked regarding Eunji.

"Why that's bothering you, atleast my friend is there to support me what about yours?"

Jungkook scoffed, "I don't want my friends near crap and she is doing nothing but flirt, trying to flirt with that guy"

Y/n scowled offended by the comment, "Atleast this is better than kissing someone in the hallways".

Jungkook glared at her, "He isn't even taking hints. What's the use in hitting on him".

By this time their hands were placing books and they were arguing with each other.

"Like your girlfriend give attention to you. Atleast he is hot!"

"Byeol's hotter" he argued.

Y/n gave him a look straight for a minute ,"Sorry I ain't into girls"

None of them spoke after this baseless argument.


"Finally" Jungkook groaned and y//n huffed.

Both of them were leaning on opposite shelfs, giving a last look to the books arranged wisely.

They left the library together with their bags.

"Your friend betrayed you" Jungkook said with a smirk when they didn't saw anyone at reception.

Just on time, Eunji came with librarian who had some bags in his hands.

"Here" he forwarded one bag to both of them.

"Donuts as reward for you kids. You did a great job" he explained.

"Thanks Eric"

With this they bid goodbyes to each other.

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