He began reading hate comments from anti's about their last performance, and they were pointing out the tiniest little mistakes that he hadn't even noticed he'd made while performing. Anti's were calling him names, telling him he sucks, telling him he should leave the band. He usually didn't let this kind of hate get to him, but he was already sad because of the morning with his hyungs so he couldn't help but feel depressed. He let himself shed a few tears. Maybe this is why hyungie's are upset with me? Maybe they saw these mistakes and aren't happy with my last performance either?

It made him want to talk to his hyungs, they were always good at making him feel better when he was down. Unfortunately he wasn't sure if any of them would be willing to talk to him at the moment, considering it seemed like none of them wanted to. He wiped up his tears and headed back out of his room. The members had already cleaned up the kitchen and were lounging around.

"Can I talk to you guys?" Jungkook pouted. When everyone continued to ignore him, he tried his best not to start crying again. "Please?" Still nothing. He walked over and tapped Jimin on the shoulder, "Jimin hyung?"

Jimin brushed him off. Jungkook went to all of them and asked if he could talk to them about something that was on his mind but all of them played it off as though they were too busy to listen.

Jungkook stormed back to his room and threw on his backpack. I need some air.

He stomped to the door and turned to his hyungs. "I'm going out for a walk." He made his way out the door and made one last comment before he slammed it shut. "Not that any of you care."

Once Jungkook was gone, the members started giggling again. It was funny to them to see Jungkook get so worked up over something that wasn't an actual issue. He didn't ever usually get mad.

Jungkook wiped his tears as he walked around the city. I don't even need hyungs! Why are they being such assholes today?! What did I do?!

He kicked a rock with frustration and watched it fly down the sidewalk. He knew he had no destination in mind, but the fresh air was nice. Being inside the dorm had started to feel a bit suffocating when six of his hyungs seemed to have a problem with him.

Hopefully when I get home they've gotten some damn sense back!

Jungkook felt someone grab his backpack strap and pull him into an alley.

"Huh? What the hell?!" he screamed when he turned to see a man lift his fist and punch him right in the face. Jungkook dropped to his knees. "Ah!" he screamed.

The man started kicking Jungkook in the ribs and punching him in the face. Jungkook fought back. He punched the man in the chest and the man stumbled backwards, but it made the man a lot more aggressive and angry. The man threw Jungkook up against the wall and started punching him repeatedly in the stomach, making Jungkook fall back to his knees. He cried out for mercy but the man was relentless. When he had no strength left, he let his entire body drop and lay on the ground. He tried to stop the blood that was pouring out of his nose as he clutched his ribs.

The man grabbed Jungkook's backpack and started running away with it.

"No! Stop! Stop!" Jungkook screamed after the man, but he was soon out of sight and the singer didn't have the strength to get up. He lay his head in the gravel and passed out.


"He's been gone a while and I'll admit, I feel kind of bad now," Hobi pouted. The rest of the members agreed that they'd also began to feel a bit bad too. They were hoping Jungkook would be home soon so they could all apologize and tell him it was just a prank.

Not Today. [Jungkook Hurtfic/JJK x BTS]]Where stories live. Discover now