The one with their return

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It's been six months. Six whole months that she had all the freedom she wanted. Six months of enjoying the sunlight. And almost six months without him. He'd only visited them once. Too dangerous he'd told her one night they were talking. And even though Rose knew she would miss the perks of the outside world she just couldn't wait to have her gloomy idiot.

She didn't know how to call Dimitri. Boyfriend wasn't doing justice to what they have, something more would imply marriage or whatever. So till further notice he's her idiot.

She feels Lissa tensing next to her. She looks up and sees the gates opening slowly.

"It's going to be ok." Rose tells her and squishes her friend's hand softly.

"I know." Lissa responds but not convincingly.

"Hey..." One more yet stronger squish from Rose forces Lissa to look at her.

"As long as I'm next to you, you will be fine. You hear me?" Rose asks decisively. "No matter what." She adds.

"No matter what." Lissa repeats like a mantra and closes her eyes for a moment.

It's almost sundown when they arrive. Courtesy of Dimitri of course since he wanted to protect them from all the 'royalty' and the guardians that are about to start their day.

Dimitri is at the main entrance with an unknown woman next to him. He's all tall and gorgeous and he's avoiding eye contact with her.

"Queen Tatiana is expecting you. Please follow me." The woman says and Lissa hesitates for a moment before she starts walking slowly towards the office.

"Not even a kiss as a welcome back gift." Rose teases without making eye contact. Her tone serious even though she's trying to sound playful.

"Let's get through this first Roza. I'm already stressed as it is." He blatantly admits. Her whole body stiffens. It's one thing for her to be nervous, but seeing him like that it's another. She's about to freak out when she feels his hand on her lower waist. The warmth is enough to calm her down without a single word being spoken.

Rose lost track of time. Tatiana was talking so much, saying every nonsense she could think of only to end up to the conclusion that Lissa didn't kill the former queen so she and Rose were free to return to the academy. Under strict conditions and terms but they were back.

"What was all this shit about?" Rose asks when they leave the office. Lissa was send directed to her classes escorted by a guardian.

"We found clues proving that Lissa couldn't have murdered the Queen as I told you on the phone. She had no choice but to accept it. More info tonight." He adds greeting another new guardian Rose has never seen before.

"You weren't joking about the newcomers." Rose says. "I feel like I know no one."

"Lots of things changed." He stops on his tracks. "You have to remember that we are not in talking terms. Or like we were anyways." Dimitri tells her the moment they are in a safe distance from the building.

"So you won't upset your new fling? Ok." She says and starts walking again. He reaches out, grabs her arm and pulls her in an alley. Her back is against the brown stoned wall and he's hovering over her.

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