The one with her driving lesson

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Her phone chimes and she changes the side she was sleeping on. And then it chimes again telling her that she can't ignore whoever is texting her.

"Meet me at the entrance in 10." The first text from Dimitri says.

"Come on sleepyhead, you won't regret this." The second one says and she gets out of the bed.

The sun hasn't risen yet when she steps out of the novice's building. She sees him relaying on the hood of the car.

"Look who's here." He says like he was talking to the car.

"I was promised fun, that's why I came." Rose says and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Don't cross the line Roza." He says but still wraps his hands around her lower hips. He can't fight it, it's like she's a magnet and he has no other choice but to do so.

"Lines are so blurred comrade I can barely see them." She whispers almost over his lips, taking advantage of the fact that since he's almost sitting their height difference is almost nonexistent.

"Whose fault is that?" He says leaning forward resulting his lower lip touching hers.

"If you hadn't waked me up we wouldn't be in this position now." Rose responds and steps more forward separating his legs in the process.

"So it's my fault." Fingers digging on her covered skin. He's so close, it's intoxicating for her. "Ok then." He says and stands up while pushing her away softly.

"Then I won't show you how you can drive this beast." He states and turns around to leave.

Her foggy mind clears now that he's not in her personal space. "Wait! You want to teach me how to drive?" She asks way too excited to hide her enthusiasm.

"I was thinking about it but since you can't behave..." He says with a smirk and opens the drivers' door.

"No! I can behave." Rose says and runs to him with speed that makes her whole body crash into his. Her hands instinctively land on his chest, his hands on her arms to steady her.

"You were saying...?" He asks with a smirk.

"That was an honest accident." She pans out. "Can we do this please?" She would jump up and down if his hands weren't holding her.

"Get in." He says and steps out of her way.

"So what do we do first?" Dimitri asks now sitting on the passenger seat next to Rose.

"Choose the most suitable spotify playlist." Rose says.

"SEATBELT ROSE." He literally screams at her. "And you wonder why you never get to drive." He continues while he closes his eyes, placing his thumb and index on the top of his nose.

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