The one where Dimitri is drunk

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It was a long ass day, or night. Depending on either you were a dhampir or a moroi. All Dimitri wanted to do was to have his drink in his little corner at the bar. And he had almost managed that till the door opens and a bunch of people storm in.

People he knew and he most definitely wanted to run away from. He glares at Mason or more likely at Mason's back and then he hears her laugh. Everything inside him becomes softer. Even the bar becomes brighter somehow.   

And then his Rose throws herself in Mason's arms and he growls.

"All good bro?" The bartender asks him. Dimitri doesn't bother to answer. He just finishes his scotch in one go and sends the empty glass back.

"Keep 'em coming."  He says without even bothering to take his eyes off from her.

"They look cute together no?" A wild Adrian asks behind Dimitri's back.

"Aren't you busy by flirting with people? Mainly to stop bothering me..." He says broodingly.

"Oh I do." Adrian says sipping on his green cocktail. "But teasing you is more fun. Hey little dhampir." He says louder and Rose turns to look at their direction.

"Fuck." Dimitri whispers.

"Have fun man brooding as your opponent gains more ground." Annoying Adrian says and dances his way towards Rose and the rest of them.

Dimitri knows she saw him and she avoids him. 'Normal,' his brain says 'you are a full time idiot why would she want to even look at you?' The annoying voice continues saying as he finishes his forth alcoholic drink.

One hour later the bartender calls the first number that's on Dimitri's phone call list.

"Care to explain why am I picking you up while I'm supposed to be on my watch?" Alberta asks when ten minutes later they are passing through the main gate.

"Cause I am an idiot." He says sloppily.

"Self awareness. That's good." She parks the car and gets out of it but she doesn't hear any noise coming from Dimitri's part.

"Are you planning to come out of the car? I'm not carrying you." The woman says and crosses her hands over her chest.

"Nope." He says inaudibly. He releases an amount of air towards the car's window and starts writing something but the fog is gone before he can finish writing it.

"Ohhhh..." He exclaims loudly with a pout and repeats the action. This time he succeeds.

"You are insufferable." Alberta says and opens the door. His hand was relating there and he almost fell out of the car before he managed to pull himself together and sit right.

"Roza." Alberta whispers and after a sole second she understands.

"My Roza. She's only mine." He says and smiles.

"I don't even know how to handle this at this point." Alberta says.

"Don't. It's my issue." He finally steps out of the car and closes the door behind him.

"I could tell you all about the violation of the code but something tells me you don't really care." She lets out a sigh. "Come here." She says and wraps his left arm around her shoulders so she can help him walk.

"I do care. But I think I love her more than the code Alby." He says and lowers his head so it can rest on hers.

"Oh my saints we are so screwed." Alberta says.

Alberta takes pride on how well she handles misogyny at her field, how she can kill strigoi faster than her colleagues and now she simply can't handle drunk Dimitri, who's currently lying on the floor of his room.

"You know that I lived the best days of my life? That I could see how we could always be like this?" He sits up abruptly "You think I should ask her to marry me? Will she say yes Alberta?" He asks deliriously. 

"I don't know what I've done to deserve this." She whispers and leaves him alone on the floor singing a Russian love song.

"Just tell me you are not drunk as well." Alberta says the moment she sees Rose.

"Two beers and an appletini?" Are we under attack?" She asks confused.

"Well someone is." Alberta says and leads the way. "This is as far as I go."  She stops in front of a door.

"I- What?" She asks.

"I dealt with his drunken ass for one whole hour that seemed like a century, he's your problem now." And with that Rose is alone.

She opens the door slowly not sure what to expect. But seeing her idiot lying on the floor and jiggling his feet in an unknown to her rhythm wasn't it.

"Dimitri?" She says and closes the door behind her.

"Oh great I'm hallucinating now." He says and ignores her. His eyes now closed.

"I am here." She says trying not to laugh. Yes she's still hurt that things didn't work out between them but he looks so adorable right now.

"No you are not. My Roza is mad at me and rightfully so." He says. Feelings she's been pushing away or turning them into anger come back like a flood.

She kneels right next to his head. Lifting her hand to touch his hair then pulling it back only to end up tangled in his hair, removing a strand from his face.

He opens his eyes slowly "You are here?" He says softly.

"Unless you have such vivid dreams..." She jokes but his eyes are waking up the butterflies in her stomach.

With a sudden move she didn't expect from an intoxicated man he lifts his head so it could rest on her thighs and he wraps his arms around her waist.

"If you are real then know that I love you and I am so happy you left Mason alone to come to me." He says inhaling the very familiar body perfume.

Rose could hear the jealousy in his voice. She had seen it in his eyes at the bar but hearing it... Well she won't deny that she doesn't enjoy it.

"And if I'm a hallucination?" She asks with a chuckle. Her hand is cupping his face gently.

"I don't think you are cause my dreams always suck. Unless you managed to change that as well." He says and drifts to sleep.

She didn't leave until he woke up the next morning.

Romitri Au'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن