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Characters mentioned so far:

Ji Huan - a 17 year old teenage boy living in the mountain side of Bade Town, together with his old Grandfather. Nickname “Xiaohua”, a nickname called by his sister and Grandpa.
He and his sister were both taken care of by his Grandfather when both of their parents died in the car accident.
Later on, the slow poor but peaceful living days in the mountains with his grandpa changed after getting news about his sister. He and his grandpa had to take care of his newly added family member and nephew, Hei Dan.
A very calm, hardworking, kind and honest child, according to his one and only friend and his grandpa and sister.
His name also means joyful/happiness.

Grandpa Ji - Ji Huan and Xiao Hei's grandfather. He took care both of the siblings after the death of their parents.

Xiao Hei - Ji Huan's older sister. He was nicknamed by their grandpa as Xiao Hei since, according to their grandpa, he was not as white as Ji Huan as a child and is a bit of dark skinned due to always going outside to play as a child. She is a very adventurous and wild as a child. Unlike Ji Huan, she's tough, strong minded and is not as calm as Ji Huan. Same as her parents, she died in a very mysterious car accident.
She was pregnant with Hei Dan before she died and Ji Huan it when he checked her body in the morgue. Her partner, Hei Dan's father, is a humanoid being. Her family never met Hei Dan's father.

Hei Dan - Xiao Hei's humanoid figure child, Ji Huan's nephew. Ji Huan took him out of his mom's belly before she died and hid him in a swaddle inside his bag to hide him from people who wants to get him.
Ji Huan did all his best to make Hei Dan live in life like a normal human baby, he gives him human formula milk, gives him toys and dresses him in humab baby clothes and diapers. Due to this he acts like a normal human baby whenever Ji Huan brings him on the outside world.
His favorite color is green. Favorite animal is frog and bunny.

Men in black - mysterious group of people who hunts monsters and humanoid monsters in human world for unknown reasons. They suspect that Xiao Hei carries a monster's child and went to investigate after the accident. It was also implied that the accident that killed Xiao Hei and others was probably due to a monster's attack which is probably the one they were hunting or had been captured by their organization but got out for some reason.

Hei Dan's father - not much is known about him. The only information that is implied and Ji Huan known was in the picture that Xiao Hei owns. In that picture, he and Xiao Hei looks happy together. According to description, he like Hei Dan, is all black and of tall stature. He might have been the monster in the accident mentioned that protected the girl (probably Xiao Hei) during the car accident and died after.

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