When he was done, he grabbed his shoes and just as Katherine stood up to lock the door, ready to see him off, he turned around and asked. "What about the money for the drugs? The cocaine and ice we had last night? You told me to get from my friends, that you were going to pay later right?"

"Do I still have to pay for that? You had a taste of it too right? We both enjoyed ourselves last night, so why should I pay? I paid for the drinks, and I should still pay for the drugs too?" She asked defiantly, her brows shooting up as she folded her elbows waiting for him to reply, and surprisingly he did.

"Of course you did. A deal is a deal. I never wanted to get high on drugs even after I told you countless times, but you insisted on it and you did say you were going to foot the bill. If you don't, well I would have no other choice but to tell my friends and they'd just come over here and get the money from you. Or should I say deal with you?" The young man finished with a snicker, and a chill ran through Katherine's spine as she recalled the friends he was obviously talking about.

She'd seen them at the club that night. Hefty looking tatted men, and they were the last people she would even want to mess with.

Coupled with the things she was taking care of now, she just couldn't add more to her plate at the moment.

"Fine!" She scoffed, and walking to her purse she opened the lid, and brought out a wad of neatly bundled dollar and pound bills.

Throwing the stack at him, she walked past him to the door, and swinging it open, she muttered exasperatingly, "Now will you just get out!"

"Yes, yes I will." He smirked, and just before he left, he blew Katherine a kiss and then said, "Between you tasted so sweet last night. I had a good time and you can be sure to hit me up again, if you want more. You'd always find me at the bar and..."

Katherine didn't wait for him to finish, when she banged the door on his face.

"Good riddance!" She mumbled inwardly, and dragging her tired as fuck body back to the bed, Katherine plopped her ass on the soft foam.

Letting out a snicker, a squeal, and then diverting into a full blown laughing spree, Katherine fell back on the bed as she began to chuckle heavily.

Oh well... What a morning?


"Hope I won't be late for my journey? What kind of damned traffic is this?" Madison half cursed, her anger and frustration getting the best of her as she stared out of the car window.

They'd been stuck in traffic for the past 30 minutes and Madison, was beginning to fear that she might miss her flight, if the traffic didn't ease anytime soon.

She had just an hour to leave this God forsaken country, and now being trapped in this traffic holdup wasn't what she'd bargained for at all.

Maybe she should have left earlier. Probably by now she would have been at the airport, and not inside this car, feeling so much heat trickle since her body, as time flew by.

"I'm so sorry ma. I think the traffic warders are doing something to handle the situation." The driver at the front seat said, assuring her a bit and Madison could only let out a sigh.

Closing her eyes briefly, and enjoying the cool breeze that flew in the car, Madison let out a yelp the second she felt the car move, and then she opened her eyes quickly.

The traffic was receding and cars were moving.

Holy moly! Oh yes! She inwardly squeaked, murmuring a prayer of thanks to God in her heart.

The car started to move, and as soon it was evident that everywhere was free, the cab driver increased the ignition speed, racing faster wanting to get Madison to the airport on time, and she couldn't be more grateful.

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