Chapter Twenty - Athena

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I open my eyes and the sight of my surroundings makes my heart drop. The same field of my last dream, except this time I wasn't in the middle of them, I was at the side watching them like I was at a football game.

Bodies drop like flies and all I hear is screaming, yelling, gun shots, swords clashing, there's too much going on to take it all in.

I see familiar faces in the crowd of people. Roman and Theo. My heartbeat quickens. Where's Ace? Is this the war?

I blink and suddenly I'm in bed again. I look over my shoulder and see Ace, his face calm into sleep and my body relaxes. I lay my head back down and close my eyes, hopefully this time I can get good sleep.

"Theo will be on watch for Slater and his army." Ace rolls out a map. "Once he blows the horn, Roman and Ian will lead you all into battle. If anyone is hurt, come to the medic shed." He points to the shed on the map that's near our Faction.

"Amber will be there for help, lock the door behind you when you enter, you never know if Slater knows about the shed and will have some of his soldiers come looking for trouble." He looks up toward the blonde twins, Mason and Jackson. I basically knew all the faces and their names by now. "You two will be guarding the shed. I trust you will make sure no one can get past the door."

"Yes, sir." Their voices sync together.

"Good." Ace nods before turning back to everyone else.

"Now, you all must be wondering about me and Athena. We'll be fighting beside you all, don't worry. But we have to make sure everyone is accounted for."

I almost roll my eyes when I see Lydia raise her hand. "Yes, Lydia?"

"Is there any job for me?" She asks, almost as if she's offended she wasn't specifically chosen for a job.

"No, you'll be in the army. We need all the soldiers we can get." Ace turns to the crowd. Lydia scoffs. "We're a little outnumbered, but not too outnumbered where I doubt we'll lose. We will win. Can I trust you all with that?" He asks loudly.

"Yes, sir!" The crowd shouts back in a union.

"Great. Meeting dismissed." He rolls the map back up as the crowd goes its separate ways.

"Are you sure we'll be able to do this?" I murmur. Ace's face softens.

"I know we'll be able to do this." He rubs my arms before pulling me into a hug.

I squeeze him tight, hoping that this isn't one of the last hugs I will get from him.

"I'm sorry about last night, Athena." He whispers, pulling away.

"It's okay." I wave my hand, dismissing it.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have left you like that. I promise you that you mean more to me than that." He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you." I look up at him to see him looking down at me too.

"I love you too, Athena." And I believe him.

"Ace, Aiden needs your help with something." Theo walks up to us. Ace huffs but nods nonetheless before looking at me.

"I'll see you later today." He promises before following Theo.

"You may have his attention now, but I promise you, he'll come back to me." I hear Lydia's voice from behind me. I turn around to see her standing there, her arms folded and a smartass smile creeping up on her lips.

"What do you mean come back to you?" I can't help but ask.

"Oh, he didn't tell you? Me and him used to have a little thing." Her smile fades. "Until you came along." Her face scrunches up in disgust.

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