Chapter Thirteen - Ace

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Athena fell asleep about an hour ago. I've been in the kitchen with Love, Theo, and Roman since.

"Where is she? I want to see her." Love says. Love and Athena used to be best friends, but since the event Athena became closer with Amber and of course never knew of any other friendship other than the one she made with Amber.

"She almost fainted hearing the news, I'm not going to throw that on her either." I snap, slamming my cup down on the center island.

Love purses her lips before nodding, walking away.

"I didn't think you'd be the dating type in highschool." Roman looks at me in shock. I shrug.

"I wasn't." Her father was right, it would be torture.

I jump at the sound of a scream. Athena's scream. Not missing a beat, I run to my room, flicking the light switch on. I rush to her side, she grips me tightly, tears running down her face.

"What's wrong? Athena, what happened?" I demand.

"I know what happened." She pulls away. I feel my jaw clench tightly.

"What part?" I ask.

"It was our four year anniversary, we were both in bed... naked." She looks down at her hands in embarrassment. I can't help but grin.

"My father came in and yelled at us, told me that he'd wipe my memory." My heart drops. She forgot her promise?

"Anything else?" I ask.

"I uh... I made a promise to you." Relief floods through me.

"And?" I don't know if I want to know her answer, but I do know that I need to know it.

"I think... I may be at the beginning of fulfilling my promise. I feel... things for you that I've never felt for anyone, and I didn't understand it at first. But I think I can now confidently say that I've taken a liking in you. I care for you, and the jealousy I feel when I see a girl around you... it hurts. I think I can love you again, Ace." She explains.

"Woo, You got your girl back!" We both turn toward the doorway to see Theo holding his fist up in the air, smiling with excitement.

"I'm going to kill you, Theo." I let out through all of my annoyance. Theo's smile vanishes almost immediately. We watch as he slowly backs up and shuts the door.

"Anyway," I sigh, looking down for a quick second, embarrassed of my best friend. "That's Theo. I'm sorry about him, he-"

"It's alright." She reassures me, nodding with a smile.

"I don't mean to stress you more than you already are but are you still thinking about marrying Miles?" I force the words that my mind has been pestering me about ever since I found out.

She looks down at her nails, clearly uncomfortable, but as I'm about to dismiss my question, she answers, "I'm planning on telling my parents and him today that I reject his proposal." She looks up with fake confidence.

"I will leave you alone now for the night. Good night, love." I walk her out into the guest bedroom before letting my fatigue take over at my bed.

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