Chapter Three - Ace

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Did I cover for her? Yes. Why? I couldn't even tell you. But right now, that isn't what I need to be thinking about. I have more important matters at hand.

I wipe the sweat off of my forehead after I cover his body with the last bit of dirt needed. As I'm about to leave, I hear voices. Shit.

I sneak behind a bush toward the source of the voice, gripping my gun tightly, I pause when I see it's just Athena... and another man. I narrow my eyes in confusion. This is where she was going? I notice her hands are in his and I connect the dots. She has a secret boyfriend. I decide to pretend that it doesn't hurt, and focus on finding out what she's doing with him.

"I can't be with you anymore." Her voice cracks. The man slowly takes a few steps back, racking his hands through his blonde hair.

"Run away with me." He says after a moment of silence. She opens her mouth, but closes it after a few seconds. She can't say yes... can she?

"No, Cole. I can't. I'm getting married and there's nothing we can do about it." He turns his head away from her as he clenches his jaw.

"Do you like- do you love him? Tell me the truth." He asks, his voice is full of pain.

"I just met him, Cole. I don't know." Cole turns around, rubbing his chin before pivoting around and grabbing her by her waist. Does she really not remember me? What is he doing?

"What are you doing?" She exclaims, as if she can read my mind, attempting to get out of his grasp.

"If I can't have you, he can't. No one can." I'm about to jump in, but stop when I see her kick him in the groin, causing him to fall to the ground. Vines- no, flowers, extend from her wrists and wrap around his neck, strangling him. He tries to pull them off, kicking his legs as he struggles. His movements grow weaker and weaker until he falls limp. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Cole?" I barely hear her voice. "Cole?" She says louder now, leaning down and shaking him.

"No, no, no, no. What have I done, what have I done?" She breaks into sobs, her face falls onto his chest as she cries. At this moment, I am torn between running away and deciding that I am not marrying what once was the Athena I knew when I was ten, but now a murderer. My mind goes back to the body I just had covered, causing me to winch. I'm such a hypocrite. If she's a monster, I'm the devil.

Hesitantly, I stand up and slowly make my way toward Athena's shaking body. I gently put my hand on her back, making her flinch in surprise.

"Ace? I- I swear I didn't mean to. I-" She breaks again, her sobs covering her words and the only thing I feel in this moment is pain. Pain for her, pain for me, and pain for this situation.

"Athena, I need you to listen to me closely," My instincts kick in, she sits up facing me after a few seconds, wiping her tears.

"You're going to go home and pretend this never happened." Her face falls into confusion.

"Why- why?" She asks. I can't come up with an answer at first. The logical reaction to seeing whatever I just saw is to report her to the police, but here I am offering to help her.

"I need this marriage." I can't come up with anything better.

She hesitantly nods before running off. I sigh, looking down at Cole's body. What am I going to do?

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