"You really thought you could win this?!" Blair snapped angrily at Liam. "Who has the upper hand now?"

She laughed again.

Alright, she's scaring me. Apparently I'm not the only one uncomfortable with her actions, her friends are shifting from foot to foot. But I can tell that if we got even a step closer, they'll jump us.

"Princess we-"

"Didn't I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut?" she snapped again and walked closer to us, her friends following. "What you did is unforgivable."

I winced.

"And you! You did nothing to stop him, I thought you were good but you didn't stop him. You didn't! You let him hurt Sawyer. My Sawyer." Blair turned her attention to me now, fresh tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to torture the hell out of you two." she smiled sadly at us. "We didn't want this. All we wanted was to be left alone, but you came in and attacked. We had to defend ourselves. And then you do this. I could've easily blown all of you, in a blink of an eye all of you would've been ashes if I'd wanted to. But I didn't do that, we did our best to fight fair and you go ahead and stab the love of my life." she started babbling, tears running down her cheeks.

Blair's lost it. Without Sawyer at her side... I don't know what she'll do to us or anyone for that matter.

Blair's POV

There they stood like it was nothing, but it was everything. Does that even make sense? I don't know if it does but what I do know is that Liam stabbed Sawyer, my Sawyer, and Christina did nothing to stop him. She didn't warn me, she didn't tell him to stop, she just kneeled beside me as Sawyer got hurt.

I'm not about to forgive and forget. The hell with that. They're going to pay and pay good.

"Where did all your bravado go? No so confident now are you? Are you scared of me Liam?" this startled him more than anything.

I kept walking closer to him, then a hand stopped me.

"This is close enough, Blair." it was Pierce.

My friend. My ally. My brother.

I sighed, suddenly feeling so tired. When did everything turn so shitty?

There was anger, sadness, betrayal, devastation and so many other emotions that I can't even begin to explain how I felt.

I don't even know if Sawyer is alive. All Kenneth said was that he'll look him over, but he didn't promise me to heal Sawyer and have him safe in my arms. No. There was a high possibility that Sawyer wont make it. That's what's eating me. I can't begin to imagine a life without him. Ever since he came into my life I haven't been able to leave him. Without Sawyer by my side things didn't make sense.

A sob escaped my mouth and I cursed myself for showing such weakness in front of people that didn't deserve to even utter another word.

But I did as Pierce said. I didn't take another step towards Liam or Christina, I just looked at them. Debating. On what? Well, I'm thinking of ways to torture them for what they did.

With a sigh I commanded water to turn into tiny spheres, ones that can barely be seen. Then made them all rush towards Liam and Christina. Both let out a yelp of surprise and then groans and whimpers of pain as the water bullets assaulted them. They weren't meant to cut through skin but to heavily bruise and cause discomfort and pain. A lot of pain. Just like the pain Sawyer felt went that knife went through his chest.

Ostavlyat', I thought. Making the water stop. The word no longer needed to be spoke, just thought of, so the water obeyed my very command.

Liam and Christina were on their knees, panting and hissing. I made them stand up straight and then, abruptly, made them land on their backs. More groans and whimpers escaped their mouths.

Undercover [2013 ver.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें