Meredith grimaced, which was a new thing for me to see.

She gave me a sharp nod and got to work.

An hour later we were all gathered in the living room.

"How did she get the burn marks again?" Meredith asked.

"Sawyer probably didn't have his gloves on." Meredith frowned and I continued. "He has a Curse."

"Ah." she paused. "So he's the guardian? Sexy."

"He's with Blair." I informed.

"Did she say anything about who attacked her?" Pierce asked.

"Not much. She was too weak and barely helped me with Sawyer. He would be dead if it wasn't for her."

I explained everything I knew to Pierce, everyone else listened closely. Not all of them believing half of what I was saying.

"Who is she?"

Startled, I turned to look at a pale looking Blair. She didn't look on the brink of death, but she did look weak. And she was holding her dagger.

Dagger that was dangerously pointed at Meredith.

"Blair. She's a friend. She healed you." I informed.

Blair frowned and lowered her dagger a little bit. "Your name?"

Meredith stood up and then bowed to Blair. Keeping her head lowered.

"I'm Meredith, a witch from Circle Midnight, at your service Princess Ezra."

I winced.

"Don't call me princess. And my name is Blair." she said, putting her dagger away. "Thanks for helping us its- Pierce?"

"Hey beautiful, missed me?" he grinned and walked over to Blair, giving her a hug.

"You're taller." Blair commented and kissed Pierce on the cheek. Then she turned to look at his girlfriend. "Mel?"

"Hello Blair."

Blair smiled and hugged her too. "Ah. We just need Sean and Leo to make this like the old days."

"And Eden." Pierce chuckled.

"Don't remind me." Blair shuddered.

Pierce chuckled but to my surprise didn't comment on it.

"Here. I'll help you seat down." I grabbed Blair's forearm and lead her to the couch.

"I'm no baby." she said but didn't pull away.

We sat down in silence for several minutes until Blair spoke again.

"I'm sorry for coming so suddenly. But I needed your help. We were attacked out of nowhere. They where following Sawyer first, then we started running and the bastards started shooting. We had to stop. I couldn't stop the bullets if we kept moving. Its not like I was about to let Sawyer die, or myself. I'm sure they were sent by my parents. The guy kept calling me princess." she made a face and Meredith looked at her curiously.

"And, to our dismay, they are here to kill us all. Well, they want me back which is nearly the same thing." Blair winced and tried to relax against the couch. "I don't think they followed us."

"Why do you say that?" Meredith asked, then her eyes widened and she mumbled rapidly: "Your Highness."

Blair frowned at that and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Because I threatened them." her eyes turned dark, it showed how furious she was.

It scared me a little because there were four humans in the room. She can kill them. While she can weaken people with Curses, if she looks directly into a normal human she'll drain the life out of them.

"Blair." I said in a warning tone.

Startled, she blinked a few times and blushed. "Sorry."

"I still feel like something's coming." Pierce said in a serious tone.

"Learned to control your thingy?" Blair asked and it made both Pierce and I chuckle.

She still calls our powers thingies.

"Somewhat. My range is bigger and I can sense things better now." Pierce rubbed his neck. "And what I am feeling is strong. Really strong."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"That something bad its coming. Something bad and dangerous."

"Do you think your parents will come looking for you themselves?" I asked Blair.

"They're not my parents. And I could care less if they come. They're not harming my friends. I wont let them touch you. Hell I'll die for you guys."

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Meredith asked.

"Excuse me?" Blair looked confused.

"Aren't they," she motioned to us with her hand. "Supposed to be the ones protecting you. Dying for you. Isn't your guardian supposed to be your shield and not the other way around?"

"They gave up their lives for me. Risked their lives for me, an ordinary girl...with a few exceptions. It's only fair that I do the same." Blair looked pissed.

"Let's wait for Sawyer to wake up. We'll discuss what needs to be done. I don't want any of you to be involved in this." she sighed and rubbed her eyes.

Then she looked at me. "Where's your bathroom?"

"Follow me."

I lead her to the bathroom, before I could leave Blair stopped me.

"I don't want you to be hurt again Kenneth."

"Don't worry about me."

She gave me a sad look and I went to the living room.

"I don't get your princess." Meredith made a face.

"Few of us do." Pierce shrugged.

I opened my mouth to make a comment but I stopped myself when I heard a grunt.

I walked to the stairs and saw a very pale Sawyer coming down.

"What is wrong with you?!" Meredith snapped.

Sawyer looked at us confused for a second and then he looked mad.

"Where's Blair?" his eyes looked around wildly.

"Calm down. Why don't you take a seat. She's-"

"Where is Blair Kenneth?!" he snapped and got dangerously close to my face with that bare hand.

"She's in the bathroom." I said without taking my eyes off his hand.

"Blair! Blair!" he started shouting.

"What's up with him? He's going to get hurt!" Meredith said.

"Where's your god damned bathroom?" Sawyer asked, getting closer to me.

"Calm down Sawyer. She's fine." Pierce said.

"I think I asked where the bathroom was!" he snapped.

"What's with all those screams? I'm fine! You're the one who isn't. Why aren't you sleeping like you're supposed to?" Blair snapped but I could see the worry and the love in her eyes.

Sawyer looked relived, but before he could hug her she got out the glove from his pants and put It on his hands.

Then he was hugging her like his life depended on it.

I turned to look at my friends who looked more confused than ever. Pierce looked worried, which worried me.

Meredith looked about to explode, I could she the anger, the frustration and confusion in her.

What they all didn't know was that this was about to get worse.

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