"Should I be worried about the psychopath face?"

The sudden intrusion in my thoughts made me squeal like a four year old.

Yeah so attractive Pierce, you rock.

"I was just...never mind. Did you already ate?" I asked.

Man when I think a lot my mind becomes an arena of unfortunate and crazy events.

"Yes. Lets go!" and she took a picture of my face.

"I feel stalked. Just pointing that out." I mumbled as we got out of the apartment.

Mel blushed. She always blushed. Well only around me, which was the greatest feeling. I was her one and only...and she was mine.

Life is beautiful.


You have to take the best of it and live it to the max. and that is what I intent to do.

On the way to the park we bought ourselves some delicious ice cream. I nearly moaned. They were that good.

"So are you ever going to tell me your story?" Mel asked as we now sat on a bench, holding hands and eating ice cream.

I frowned.

Telling her about me meant getting her more involved than she already was. It meant that if everyone was okay, if Blair was living a 'normal' life, the crown will be after her and in turn after me and the rest of us who helped her. It meant that they could easily take Mel and hurt her.

"Once I find Sawyer and Blair." I mumbled and licked my ice cream.

Mel scowled.

"What is so special about Blair? Not that I don't like her but you always talk about her with respect and some sort of adoration. Its like she's your boss or something. And Sawyer! You always have to bring him up when it comes to making hard decisions. Why?!"

"I don't turn to Sawyer for everything, only when it comes to Blair. She's his responsibility. And yes Blair is important to me, to all of us, but not the way your jealousy is taking you."

"So what if I am jealous? I have the right. Like I also have the right to know why sometimes we have to run away from a place because you have a 'feeling' something bad is going to happen. It's not fair that you know everything about me and I just know your name and your five friends."

And I wanted this to be a peaceful Sunday.

I opened my mouth to answer Mel when my phone rang. I held up a finger to her, signaling to her to give me a second.


"Pierce Duncan?" a female voice asked.

"Yes, who is this?"



"Meredith who?"

"Just Meredith. I am a... friend of Kenneth. Kenneth Force."

"Kenneth?! How do you know him and where is he? Tell me!" I demanded anxiously. I even got up, dropping my ice cream.

Meredith sighed.

"We've been trying to locate you for a while. I can send you a message with everything you need to know to get here. My throat hurts and I don't feel like dealing with you. Bye."

She hung up.

"She hung up! The bitch hung up!" I snarled at the phone in my hand.

Phone that vibrated a second later. I opened up the text.

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