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I changed into a pair of tight jeans and put the belt on, then a white plain shirt and over that a sweater twice my size. The reason I wore sweaters twice my size was because I was very thin and need a place to hide the weapons. I have a sword that is cut to half. Yes, it has no pointy end or anything like that, it's just flat. It still is very deathly.

So now I'll be carrying a gun. I've only practiced once, I hope I don't accidentally kill Liam. Even though it wouldn't be a bad idea...

"Christina!" the devil shouted.

I groaned and put on my shoes. On the way to the front door I pulled my hair into a messy bun.

Liam was standing outside the door with an angry face. He wore the same thing that I was wearing. Jeans and a sweater. No, he didn't wear huge ones like I did and he didn't use any sort of weapon. He is just deathly with 'normal' fighting. Another reason he liked to make fun of me.

"What took you so long?" he demanded and closed the door behind us.

Before I forget, we were living in an abandoned house on the borders of the town.

"I didn't even take ten minutes. Stop complaining." I rolled my eyes and threw my bag inside the van.

We bought it a couple of days after landing.

Liam turned on the engine and started driving into town. "Not complaining, just stating the fact that you took so damned long. What were you doing? Putting make up on?"

"No, I just couldn't decide what to wear. I was between black jeans and a sweater or black jeans and no sweater."

"Don't use that tone on me Christina." he said and started going faster.

"Bite me."

Surprisingly he didn't say anything back.

I started tapping my hand against my thigh. I need to get a hold of a phone, Leo needs to know about this.

Hours later we were in a bad looking neighborhood. I had fallen asleep, so that means we were already in town? We got out of the van and I followed Liam.

"I don't like the feeling I am getting Liam." I said a bit alarmed.

"Then don't feel it."

"I am human, unlike you." we kept walking and some guys started coming out of the buildings.

"This better be fast."

He stopped outside a house, he knocked twice then once and then twice again. The door opened and a tall man eyed us.

"You're not from around here." he stated.

"No shi-" Liam covered my mouth with his hand and looked at the man.

"I'm here to see Dean."

"I am Dean."

"Liam. I need some stuff." finally he took his hand away from my mouth and I glared at him.

Dean nodded. "Follow me. The girl stays here."


"Okay." Liam agreed like it was nothing and followed the man inside.

"Okay. Okay?! What is wrong with this guy? I'm not surprised if he threw me to the sharks just to get rid of me. Oh but he's going to pay, yes he is. I'm going to-"

"What are you doing out here so alone baby?" a man asked.

A buff man and his friend.

"You're so tiny. But we can still have some fun." his friend smiled wickedly at me.

Undercover [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now