Chapter 38 - Stephen Andrews

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Upon hearing this offer from Stephen Andrews, Kara's stomach twists in knots. Of course, Kara does not want to agree to give Lori up at all. But Kara is well aware that it is possible, and maybe even likely, that if this goes to court Stephen Andrews could win custody, simply because he's a blood relative of Lori's. So, Kara thinks that at least this way she would actually get to see Lori again, and see her sort of regularly, seeing as she can fly to New York easy with her powers and everything. Therefore, this offer does have some merits to it. However, Kara's mind then falls to the thought of her not being able to wake up and see her daughter every morning, and that hurts too much. Kara honestly doesn't think she would be able to survive if she's forced to give up Lori, and live apart from her.

"No." Kara says, "Lori stays with me. That's my offer. I will not accept anything else."

Stephen Andrews sighs at Kara saying that, which makes Lena like the man even less than she does right now.

"Very well. I believe we will be taking this dispute to court then, and we have nothing else to discuss." Stephen Andrews lawyer says.

"Yes." Mark says, with a nod of his head.

Stephen Andrews and his lawyers then stand up, and as they do this, Lena knows it's her chance to do what she promised Alex she would.

"Hang on. I have something." Lena says, speaking up.

"Lena?" Kara says, confused.

"It will only take a few moments." Lena says.

"Very well." Stephen Andrews lawyer says, with them all taking their seats again.

Lena then proceeds to take a deep breath, knowing what she is about to do is very much going to make her girlfriend angry at her.

"Dr Andrews, I personally would advise you not to take this matter to court, as if you do, there are certain matters, which I'm aware of, that we will have to bring up. Which not only show you clearly are not a suitable guardian for Lori. But also show that you may have been engaged in certain.... activities." Lena says, "This includes your links to certain influential people in New York. Some head scratching instances of off the book appointments. Then, let's not forget about the true nature of what went on in Bolivia while you were there."

Stephen Andrews' eyes widen at Lena saying all this, which shows, to the CEO, that she has clearly hit a nerve.

"How dare you!?" One of Stephen Andrews lawyers' shouts, standing up, "You want to result to intimidation and blackmail?! We will not hear of this, but the judge will!"

Stephen Andrews, and the rest of his lawyers, then proceed to stand up as well, and leave the room, without saying another word to any of them.

"Miss Luthor, that was not a wise move." Mark says.

"I had to...." Lena begins.

"What did you do, Lena?" Kara asks, in a clearly devastated voice.

"Kara, I.... I had to do something. I can't just sit here and allow that man to take Lori from you. And if I had to resort to using the dirt on him that I have, then I will. I know you will be mad at me for it." Lena says.

"Mad at you!" Kara snaps, "I'm furious. You.... you heard what his lawyer just said. They said that they'd tell the judge that you tried to blackmail them. And you know what that will do?! That will fall back on me! You potentially might have just caused me to lose Lori!"

"Kara I...." Lena stammers.

"No." Kara says, as she stands up, "I swear Lena, if I lose Lori because of you, then we are done. That's not something I'll ever be able to get over."

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