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Mature themes and Language

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hotel. What happened after you had that cigarette with Aki? Nothing... the two of you ended up falling asleep right after. You got up and left for work right after... Aki made you breakfast. But now here you were, walking around the hotel.

"What if... what if... it's a big scary devil! Like a rabid animal kind of devil!? Or something like uh... a scary-" Kobeni was looking around everywhere in distress.

"Ah... what the hell. Can you shut up?" Power asked as she rolled her eyes.

"You'll be okay Kobeni, that's why I'm here" You reassure the girl as you wrapped your arms around her. Kobeni felt an inch more relaxed, which helped somewhat.

"I'm going downstairs" Arai stated as he started heading down the stairs... just to lead right back to the same floor he was on. Arai shrieks and looks around, still looking at everyone.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Kobeni screamed as she started shaking again. Everyone turned towards them and questioned.

"I- I went downstairs, how is this possible?!" Arai asked as he pointed at the staircase.

"Maybe you're just nervous," Himeno said as she head towards the stairs.

"Kobeni, hold up a double peace sign" Himeno looked over at Kobeni as she went towards the stairs. Kobeni complied as was still shaking.

Meanwhile, you sat back and looked at the clock.

Himeno came back and it seemed like there was no use in using the stairs. Denji and power started searching the ceiling. Himeno was trying the stairs again.

Aki watched you as you looked at the clock.

"They all say 8:18, something's off" You mention as you watch him lean back against the wall. He groaned as he tensed up.

"It must be the devils doing" Aki agreed with you as he made eye contact with you.

"Ugh, I need a cigarette" Aki groaned as he looked in his pocket, seeing his pack was empty. Your hand instantly reached into your pocket and pulled out your pack, pulling out two cigarettes.

You handed him one, which he gladly accepted. "Thank you Y/N" Aki gave you a small smile as he leaned into your lighter. You lit both of the cigarettes.

You both inhaled and deeply sighed. Enjoying an ounce of silence.

"About that kiss-" Before Aki could finish there was a loud cry from Kobeni.

The two of you got up and ran over to the next room.

"I WANT TO BE A COLLEGE STUDENT TOO" Kobeni cried while Power was bursting out laughing.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Power cackled as she rolled in the bed. You frowned and grabbed onto Kobeni's shoulder.

"Kobeni please hold yourself together for a moment," You asked the poor girl, as she tried sniffling up her tears.

"I'm sorry Y/N" she wiped her tears and got up from the chair. Aki stopped and looked around the room.

"The devil is here," Aki said as there was a loud yell down the hall. Everyone ran out of the room and saw the disfigured devil. You knew exactly what devil this was, and it seemed to know what you are.

"The eternity devil" You speak up, as everyone stood in front of the devil.

"You know... my name?!" The devil asked as it was kind of geeked.

"That's beside the point, I'm here with a contract. Denji's body to escape this hellhole.

Kobeni and Arai instantly agreed to it, not knowing what else to do. Aki pondered and thought about using his sword.

"I'll just use my sword," Aki said as he was about to pull the weapon from behind his back. Himeno grabbed his arm and looked up at him.

"No! I won't let you do that, that takes off too many years of your life" She said as she used her ghost abilities to stop him from moving.

You inspected her and scrunched your face up in disgust. All of a sudden, Kobeni was running towards Denji with a knife. You saw Aki running to move Denji out of the way.

You tripped both of them, which led to Kobeni stabbing your stomach. Everyone froze and looked at you, even the devil.

You spit out the blood from your mouth as you take the knife out.

"OH! OH MY GOD Y/N! I'm so SORRY" Kobeni screamed. Aki ran over towards you and grabbed your arm.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Aki asked as he looked at your wound. You smile as you walk past him and whisper into Denji's ear.

"I need you to jump inside the devil, and become chainsaw man" Denji's eyes widened and he gave you a firm nod.

Denji ran towards the devil and jumped inside the deep dark hole. Kobeni was whispering to Arai.

"How is she not fazed!? She just-" Kobeni whispered as she looked at you.

"Kobeni if you can't keep your cool, I might have to report to Makima about firing you. We're here to kill devils, not our coworkers" You say in a stern tone, which makes the girl stand up straight.

"Yes, I understand," She said as she was still shaky. Your wound was no longer evident.

Then your cue came, a bewitching scream from the eternal devil.

"M-My stomach! It hurt!" It screams as it moves around, trying to regenerate.

You stood in front of the devil and lifted your hand.


The devil blew up into small tiny pieces of flesh, blood splattering everywhere. The only thing left was the one and only chainsaw man.

Chainsaw man turned back into little ole Denji, who was able to destroy the inside of the devil's stomach.

The hotel turned back into the same hotel it was before. Kobeni ran down the stairs and was shocked that it wasn't on the same floor. The clocks moved and continued to move.

"Looks like we're done here," You say as you wipe the blood off your face.

"Woah!" Kobeni and Arai said in unison. Himeno also couldn't deny, that it was pretty cool.

Aki looked over at you and you looked back at him.

To be able to kiss him again...


Sorry for the slow update! Finals and school had me a bit behind! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Kishibe in the next chapter because why not hsjfnwkxid

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞!- 𝐀𝐊𝐈Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant