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Mature Themes and Language


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mirror. Waking up another day, doing the same things. You groaned to yourself as you dry off and begin putting on your suit. All black, with the most silkiest tie. Spraying your favorite perfume on your neck, you exit the bathroom.

Going back into your room you lean on the doorframe and tilt your head. Looking at the random hookup that was still asleep in your bed.

"Hey! You gotta get out now" You yelled, startling the man. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, quickly standing up.

Looking down at his nude body, you turn around and go into the kitchen. Taking a piece of toast out of your toaster you take a bite.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" Your phone was vibrating in your pocket, and a deep sigh left your lips.

Reaching in your pocket, you answer the phone; already knowing who it is.

"Y/N! Why aren't you at the office yet? It's important" Makima asked with a bit of aggression in her voice. You watched your hookup leave out the door, as you tried to come up with a lie.

"My alarm went off late" A terrible excuse, but who cares? Except for Makima...

"Don't give yourself unnecessary consequences" Makima said, not giving you time to respond as she hung up.

You checked yourself out in the mirror once more and headed out the door. Deciding to walk, you make your way down to the office. Passing by the potent smell of smog.

Entering the building, you head into the elevator until a hand stops the elevator door from closing. You looked up and smelt a husky cigarette smell with a mix of a decently priced cologne.

You met eyes with Aki... Aki Hayakawa. Somehow you had developed this crush on the man, everything about him was so... dreamy!

He stood at 6'3, his dark hair, and his stoic nature, he had so many pros. You couldn't think of a con.

"Ah, sorry about that. Didn't feel like waiting" He said as he stood next to you. You felt your heart skip a beat but played it cool.

"Oh it's fine, did Makima call you in for a meeting too?" You asked as you made eye contact with him.

"No? Do we have one today? I usually don't forget" Aki asked with that same stoic face you adored.

"Never mind then, it must be a me and her thing" You sigh quietly to yourself. Finally, the elevator opened, and the both of you exited.

Finally arriving at Makima's office, you enter and sit down in front of her.

"What took you so long?" She asks as she crosses her legs, leaning forward in her chair.

"Long night" Makima scoffed at the short reply and rolled her eyes.

"We need to go and clear out devils, they're causing a disturbance" she states as she gets up and fixes her tie.

"You can't send anyone else out?" You complain as you lay your feet on the table, resting your head against the back of your chair.

"You deserve to be killed, you know" Makima whispered with a smile on her face. You close your eyes and yawn.

"And you don't? But you know that wouldn't be a good decision, killing me," You argue back, unbothered by her presence.

Makima grabbed your shoulder and lifted you from your seat.

"Let's go, shall we," her smile kind of scared you, not because she was scary.. but because she was just bleh.

You exit the room with her and head outside to the car. Getting inside, sitting next to her; you look out the window.

"The tomato devil and the zombie devil are there and not being tended to" Makima explains while looking over at you.

"Seems easy enough, hopefully, no one's hurt," You say, more to yourself. Makima giggles at the comment but you ignore it.

You close your eyes, you've been working like a dog recently. And to be fair, your sex life was so sucky. You've been working aside Aki for a bit now, and ever since... you've had a bit of a crush on him.

Your one life dream is to see him with his hair down, his hair to his shoulders. Him smoking a cigarette. Maybe even him fresh out-

"Can you stop say dreaming and come on!" Makima yelled as she frowns. You open your eyes and undo your seatbelt. While mumbling complaints, you get out of the car and stand beside Makima.

You witnessed the graphic scene in front of you. Plenty of zombies were dead on the ground, and blood was everywhere in an alleyway. And another devil? With a chainsaw as a head and hands.

"Shall I kill this one?" You ask, ready to get it over with. Makima observed the devil thing and tilted her head.

Makima quickly walks up to him. No worries at all.

"Not like a human or a Devil. I take it you did this?" She questioned, a smirk appearing on her face.

The strange chainsaw man spoke out.

"Hug me..." while stumbling back, and you knew where this was going. Makima hugged him, catching the male before he fell.

All of a sudden, he started morphing back into a blonde boy, pretty average.

"I came here to kill the zombie Devil, we're devil hunters with Public Safety. I can kill you like a devil, or I can keep you as a human" Makima spilled her manipulative words that spread like frosting.

He looked around and contemplated, though it wasn't for long.

"Like, what's for breakfast?" The dingy boy asked as you had to bite your tongue to hold back your words.

"Bread with butter and jam, salad, coffee..." He looked so amazed, over the simplest foods. So desperate to eat and to give up his humanity for it.

"That sounds awesome" He gave out a weak smile, and you sighed. You walk over towards them and kneel.

Denji looked up and now noticed two beautiful girls in front of him!? Did he die?

You thought to yourself... 'how could one agree so quickly but yet doesn't even know her name'.

"I'm going to the car" you state as you stand up and head to the car, sitting in the back.

"How much more complicated is my life going to get after this..."

Omg im so excited for this book! Aki is so mf fine. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye luvs <333

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞!- 𝐀𝐊𝐈Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora