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Mature Themes and Language


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a car with this peculiar blond and Makima. But she insisted on her dropping you off back at the office, you did not want to stick around for their... date? You zoned out during the car ride until you arrived. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you open the door.

You look towards the boy and Makima and then leave, going inside the office. Hoping to run into Aki, to hopefully get a ride home. You spot him as soon as he exits the elevator. Walking towards him you call out to him.

"Aki! Hey, are you busy?" You question with a small smile on your face. Aki had seen your annoyed expression just before you walked up to him.

"Uh no, I'm just about to go home, why do you need something?" He asked as you walked with him outside. He pulls out a cigarette and offers you one. Taking it, you put it to your lips, not new to it. Aki held the lighters by your lips, lighting the cigarette, then moving on to his.

You both take deep puffs and inhale. You then responded to Aki's question.

"I was wondering if you would be able to take me home? But it's alright if you can't" Aki looked at you and for some reason, he didn't have such a stoic face this time.

"Yeah of course, after all, we are coworkers. But you know I walk right?" He tilts his head, wondering if you forgot. You cursed yourself out mentally, how could you forget, this dude practically walks everywhere.

"Hahaha! Guess I should've stayed in the car with Makima. Well, that's okay, the sun hasn't gone down yet" You puff on your cigarette as you start walking away, waving.

"Uh wait! I'll walk you to your apartment. How about that?" Aki chased after you and put a hand on your shoulder. You stopped in your tracks and scrunched your nose.

He smelt... really good. You had a great sense of smell, and Aki smelt so... great.

"Y/N? Y/N..." Aki called out as he shook you a bit, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Yes, let's go... I wouldn't want you walking out late either" and so you two went off, walking the still-busy streets of Tokyo. Once Aki watched you go inside, he then turned back and went to his place. You instantly took a shower and relaxed.

"That boy really shouldn't have agreed to Makima, maybe I'll try and help him out of this"
Another day at work, but this time you got called in with Aki! The two of you were in the elevator, not saying anything to each other... it wasn't like anything happened, just nothing to talk about.

𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞!- 𝐀𝐊𝐈Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt