Chapter - 1 : The Kanto trio

Start from the beginning

[ The boy and his pokemon ]

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[ The boy and his pokemon ]

He was battling with a bug catcher. He easily defeated the bug type pokemons of the bug catcher. Then Nobita went to him.

"I want to challenge you for a pokemon battle." Nobita said.
"Okay,this will be a 1 on 1 battle." the boy said.

Nobita sends his Poliwag and the boy sends his fire type pokemon. The Poliwag wins due to it's type advantage and the opponent pokemon was already tired. After the battle Nobita wanted to introduce himself.

"I am Nobita," Nobita said,"Who are you?"
"I am Samuel Oak," The boy said,"Where are you going?"
"I am exploring the region," Nobita said,"Where are you going? "
"I want to know about Pokemon, " Samuel said," Me and my Charmander are travelling to know about every pokemon of this region."
"That's wonderful, " Nobita said, "How about we travel together? "
"I will be great, " Samuel said,"It will be nice to have a companion."

Then both of them started travelling together.

Lavender town,
Eastern Kanto,

Lavender Town is a small town located in northeast Kanto, just south of the Rock Tunnel.
The whole town holds a quier and scary theme. No matter what time or season it is,the town always covered with mist.North of Lavender is Route 10 and the Rock Tunnel. West of the town is Route 8, while to the south is Route 12 and the Silence Bridge.
Lavender town is known for the Pokemon tower which is located at the north-eastern corner of the town.The Town is known mainly for ghost sightings in the Pokémon Tower and as the main gravesite of Pokémon.The citizens claim the ghosts that appear in the Tower are the spirits of Pokémon that have died. The tower is home of wild Cubone and ghost type of pokemon.

In front of a tower there was a young girl. Her skin was pale and hair was dirty blond colour. Her name is Agatha Christie

 Her name is Agatha Christie

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[Agtha christie]

She was quite and lonely type of girl. It's not her fault. She spends her Childhood in this town. Town's people aren't actually opened to people. Usually People from other cities avoid this place. Even if they come,they spends very little time here and leave as soon as possible. Agatha lost her parents when she was 6. Now her only companion was her Gastly.
People go to Pokemon Tower only to burry their pokemon or visit their graves. But Agatha's case is different. She is something everyone call the Channeler.Channeler is a type of female Pokemon trainer who can uses and bonded with quite creepy Pokemon such as Gastly and Haunter. The like to stay in a place where usually Ghost pokemons live. In this case The pokemon tower. But Agatha always feels trapped inside it. She always wants to feel free. But she never had that courage to leave the city.

One day two boy came to the tower. They didn't have any dead pokemon. She never saw them before. She went to them.

"Why are you here? " she asks.
"We are here to see Tower," The boy with the glasses said.
"If you came only to see the tower then you have to battle me." Agatha said.
"I will battle you," said the brown hair boy."

Agatha lost the battle. After visiting the Tower, when the boys were leaving they walks to her.

"I am Samuel by the way," He said.
"And i am Nobita," The other one said.
"Agatha christie," she replied.
"You wanna i don't know," Samuel said,"Talk a little."
"About what? " Agatha asks.
"About anything, " Nobita said," Like tell me about yourself."

No one ever tried to talk with Agatha before. So after start talking, she almost released all about herself. How she feels lonely and trapped, how she wants to see the outside world etc.

"If you want than you can come with us,"Samuel said.
"You want me to come with you? "Agatha asks.
"Yes, it will be great to have a 3rd companion," Nobita said.

Agatha hasitates before agreeing. After that, 3 of them become good friends. They travelled the whole Eastern Kanto togather. They become a trio. After completing travelling Eastern Kanto,they all went back to their home. After that three of them went on their own journeys. Samuel went to weastern Kanto,Nobita went to a world tour by his Lapras and Agatha stayed in Lavender town.But whenever she find time,she went to travel other places.


That's all for today.
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