{6} professor Law.

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If anyone had been excited to start the first day of their semester, it would have been almost all the first years. Every inch of their body dancing with butterflies of anticipation for going to get to class, nerves taking over but getting suppressed by the excitement.

The most excited person of the dorm room number 004 would be the tallest brit of the room. He had everything packed an into his bag. He had everything with him, notepads, many pens and pencils, his laptop for searching things up and what not.

He dressed himself nicely in a button up with white and blue vertical stripes, black denim jeans and some white sneakers to finish the look. An old watch of his grandpa around his wrist with a couple of bracelets that he had gotten from his older sister.

Pierre had complimented the brit on his clothing style and approved of what he was wearing. Before they sat down for breakfast. Lando was already chanting about how excited he is to start for his first class.

Once they all were ready for their first classes, did they all head to the classrooms. George saying goodbye to the boys first as he walks into the classroom. He knows that he really want to so his best and take many notes. So he takes a seat in the front.

Grabs all his stuff from his bag and sets them out on his desk. His coloured markers lining over his desk with his notepad open on the first page. His blue pen in his hand as he waits for the class to start. He's not too early, but still he is early.

After a short five minute waiting does the class start, the tall professor stands in front of the board. Writing something up that George can read as Law. He is super excited to be sitting in class and learn his subject. He has wanted to be a lawyer since he has been little.

"Good morning, students. I'm professor Toto Wolff, but you will only address me as Professor Wolff. No professor Toto or mister Wolff only Professor Wolff. Am i clear?" The man says as he looks sternly around the room.

Everyone bods their heads and make noises of agreement. Before the man nods his head in approval before he turns to the board and draws a line underneath the word Law. Allowing the class to focus on the word.

"Law, a word that we use to establish rules between people among society, for people to listen to and to live within. In this class you will learn to what extend Law is and how we establish the rules, we will do courtroom exercises to learn how it works in the works and how we prepare ourselves for them. Everything that i wi-..." professor Wolff says before he gets rudely interrupted by a door opening.

He looks up at the two students that try to be as silent as they can, George looking up at two men that he knows are Lewis and Nico Rosberg. Two third years that he has been spending some time with.

"Good you two could also join, Lewis and Nico. The broom closet been the victim this time or was it the bathroom?" Professor Wolff says almost in an amused way.

"We did absolutely nothing!" Lewis says angrily before stomping over to the back.

Nico rolls his eyes before heading to the front. He sits down next to George, who gives him a smile. He has kind of been allowed within the inner circle of the two. He even been allowed to see their notes from last year and the year before that on the subject.

If his interest in this subject hadn't helped him in anyway, then he wouldn't be in this class. A grade ahead of his year while the two third years had to do this class over since they failed to show up enough for their classes to qualify for their end of the year exams. Which meant that they failed the class immediately and had to do it over again.

"As i was saying, Everything that i will teach you will be used in that line of expertise. So take notes, always take notes and do your homework, projects and essays and that is already half of your learning done before you will do your end of the year exams. Now that we have done the introduction, let's start with the basics of the subject." Professor Wolff says.

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