{4} breakfast with second years.

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When Lando wakes up the next morning, his stomach turns and can barely in time grab the bucket from the little platform next to the mattress. He empties his guys into the bucket while feeling his head throb in pain.

"Good morning, muppet. I see you're still sick." A Spanish voice interrupts his puking session.

His eyes look at the man standing by the door with nothing but a towel around his waist and his abs on full display. His cheeks heat up as he sees the man standing there, the chest hair only making it harder for Lando to compose his thoughts about the god like figure standing at the bed end.

"I'm Carlos, you got drugged last night, pretty badly last night." The man that he now knows as Carlos, the crush he had formed on the older boy.

"I'm sorry, I'm Lando. I apologise for any inconvenience, i never been to a school event before." Lando says before moving to the end of the bed.

Keeping the bucket next to him, in case his stomach turns again. He hates the feeling of sickness that had settle into his body. He can't help but watch the Spaniard go around the room to get dressed.

"It's fine, max and i have been in your situation. He is pretty ruthless so every new year we tell to never take any drinks from Pastor Maldonado and Daniil Kvyat. It's a good thing you bumped into Max when you did, or you wouldn't be this lucky." Carlos says as he puts on his shirt.

"Oh, so there have been people who had been unlucky?" Lando asks, by the sound of it there had been unlucky people.

He climbs carefully down the bed, feeling soon Carlos help him down. To steady him in walking down, his body trembling and weak from the drugs and the puking all night.

"Yeah, quite a few. Me and Max were lucky with with an older guy named Kimi protecting us when we had gotten to your point and when we refused to do the things he wanted from us. But most don't get so lucky." Carlos explains.

Lando nods his head, stepping onto the floor of the bedroom and Carlos let him go to grab the bucket from the platform next to the bed. Carlos motions for Lando to follow him out of the bedroom into their main area of the dorm room.

He can see five other people sitting around a big table, the five of them greet him and Carlos. He recognises one of them being Max while the other four are complete strangers to him. Carlos pushes him towards the table and tells him to sit down.

"I heard about your little adventure with Maldonado." This Australian man says with a big grin.

Lando feels his cheeks heat up and tears gather in his eyes as he can't believe that the two had told the others about this. It's embarrassing that he even made that mistake of accepting that drink from that bully. He looks at Max, who sips a cup of coffee while leaning again against the counter while sporting a big bruise on his right eye. Not seeming to be faced about it.

"Dan! I told you to keep that to yourself!" Max hits the Australian over his head. "Good morning, Lando. Hope you aren't too sick from the spiked drink." Max gives him a small smile.

"I'm an idiot." Lando mutters softly.

Carlos joins next to him at the table while there are all kinds of food on the table. Carlos grabs a croissant from the basket of bread and cutting in horizontally open only to smear some jam between.

"Mate, i have been there, Carlos has been there. It can happen to all of us so no need to beat yourself up over it." Max says before grabbing his phone from his jeans. "Shit! I need to go."

Before anyone can bid the dutchman goodbye, he's already running out the door with his jacket and dorm keys. Which if Lando isn't mistaken, has a car key for something hanging from them. But isn't the dutchman like seventeen?

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