{1} first years.

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University. A word that is in everyone's mind the same, just a building with many people who come to learn the courses of their future jobs, nothing more, Nothing less. Just a simple word that means the same to everyone.

If only that had been the truth and for most people it had always been that way, just a simple word that means nothing but a building where you learn but for some, just like the brunette boy holding a big suitcase in one hand.

For him school had always been a place that he dreaded to most to come to. The association with Hell had always been in his mind something accurate as of was all that he had heard about hell, had represented itself in school. But maybe that was also duo to the fact of him being the biggest nerd of his schools.

His shy and nerdy self, had always left him quite vulnerable to the bullies of the school. The torment that he had endured had him hate schools with every fibre of his body. They would pull on his underwear, slap the books put of his hand or trap hik into the lockers in the changing rooms for PE.

But he is certain that this school will be different, it has to be in his mind. University is a school where grown ups go to, a school where you leave your teenage antics behind to study for your future, to be more then just a nerd, cheerleader, preppy, jock or bully.

A fresh start that he so desperately needs since the bullies had always teased him for looking like a child. For the way that he would always love playing video games and yet he never found any other classmate or friends that were into that.

A new start where he may finally get to make some friends, he has never had any friends in his life before mostly because of his nerdy antics and child like excitement. The weirdness that the boy seems to have within him, not appealing to anyone.

Most of his peers from his old school had laughed at him when he had told them in a presentation for his exams that he was accepted into a university degree of computer science. Most laughed about it while he had been serious about it. Mostly since he was always the one helping teacher how to set up their computer to their board.

He was told in a letter to his parents house that he would have to gather with all the other in the front square with the big fountain. Which is in front of the big doors to the main building that he had studied to be the building of all the classes. The gates to the big premises of the university leads after a while to the fountain.

He can see all kinds of people gathered around the fountain, he looks at the big clock on the tower at his side to see that he just made it in time for the name call for the dorms. He walks to the back of the enormous group of people. He can see a lot of people surrounding him.

He watches how an old man steps up onto what he can only imagine is a little podium as a microphone is getting put into his hand by another man with brown hair and looks rather short.

"Good afternoon, first years! I am your principal professor Marko and that is how you will address to me! As in the letter has stated, each of you have to report yourself to the third year that will escort you to your dorm! You read the rules so stick to the rules if you don't want to get punished or expelled! Not i will give the word to Professor Horner!" The principal says before handing the microphone to the man that he believes is Professor Horner.

He doesn't get any good feeling from the principal as neither the professor really thanks his boss nor really acknowledges the man either. He steps onto the little podium and a young man steps up next to him, with blonde hair and a rainbow shirt.

"Hi kids! Welcome to Oxford university! I'm gonna keep it short so let's start the name calls so you kids can settle nicely in. This is Sebastian! And i will give him the word so he can call the six kids that he will show around." Professor Horner says before he hands the microphone to the young man.

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