{5} dinner invite.

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(A/n) this means that they speak in their native language.

"What happened to your face?" Seb asks as he looks at the second years coming his way.

The dutchman looks up at him with his orange cap on his head. Almost pleading him to not repeat the question nor to ask any further, in all hopes that the German mom of the group would drop the subject.

The third years, Kimi, Seb, Lewis, Jenson, Brittney and Nando had last year become good friends with a couple of first years who are now in their second year. Every Friday or Saturday, depending on the days they have time, they would host dinners at a local restaurant since most have different schedules.

Daniel claps his hands on the shoulders of Seb and with a bright smile does he sit down next to Seb. Max stays standing, awkwardly. His mind somewhere else, which all of them know happens all the time.

Kimi gets up, to steer the absentminded dutchman to his seat. Pushing the teenager into his seat that is located next to him and someone that will take that seat. The only reason why this kid isn't allowed to sit next to Daniel for many reasons.

but the biggest reason is obviously because they will start fighting or playing with their food. It's one of those and would always result in them getting kicked out of the restaurant, which has happened too many times now that the third years are done with it and don't want to be kicked out.

"So? Can we start ordering?" Daniel asks loudly for the others to hear.

The six third years are sitting with six second years, the only second years that they had become friends with. Meaning those were Max, Daniel, Valtteri, Checo, Nico Hulk and Carlos. This was normally the entire group of people coming to eat with one another.

But this time Carlos had already noticed that there were about eleven more seats around the giant round table. Yes, he has counted to many more chairs that are put around the table more then previous dinner times. Not that he minds, he already has a feeling he knows who's going to appear through the door soon.

"No, only drinks." Seb tells the impatient Australian.

Who groans but starts to look over the alcoholic menu. Which says a lot about Daniel, who would take alcohol over any drink, any time of the day. The man wouldn't shy away from drinking beer in the morning.

"Are we waiting for more people?" Max suddenly cuts into the small conversation of Seb and Daniel.

"Yes, the first years me and Lew toured around." Seb speaks with a smile.

Max nods his head at that, not seeming to care more then the question had sounded. He never really cared about who came or didn't. He had always been fairly wary of people and who was around him. He doesn't share things with people nor did he ever care about sharing things. They were his thoughts and memories, not for others to know.

His head shoots up when a couple of guys come sitting next to him. Mostly a brunette guy with a rather odd obsession about Ferrari if the shirt and jacket are anything to go by. Who speaks rapidly french to someone who looks to be dressed like he is ready to walk a catwalk. Max doesn't linger long then a second before pulling his phone out from his jeans and opens Ziggo GO to watch football.

Charles looks to his side as soon as he sits down, looking at the boy that he had formed a crush on since he came to campus. The dutchman seeming to ignore everyone around the table to watch football. He isn't the biggest fan, he's more of a racing fan, a little too must with his fan merch.

"He's wayching football." Charles tells Pierre, who snickers.

"Really? Rude when you're eating out." He replies to Charles.

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