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<France>Time: 9:05am

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Time: 9:05am

I woke up with a severe headache. I literally feel like my head is gonna explode.

I was drinking a little last night. I had only like two bottles of beer but that's it. It wasn't that much. Not like I did anything bad last night that I can think of.

All I remember last night was taking Anastasia downstairs for some cookies and having a small conversation with Giovanni.

Although, I don't remember what the conversation was.

Was it bad?

It'll come back to my mind one day maybe. Key word: maybe.

I'm going to the bathroom, stripping myself and get into the shower. After my shower, I get dressed, and some leggings and a green oversize sweatshirt, a comfy one.

After I brush my hair and blow dry it, I put it in a messy bun because today is probably gonna be a lazy day for me.

Tomorrow is also cheer tryouts for winter season I always do all seasons, but this year I wasn't feeling it so I didn't do football season. I wish I did though.

I walked downstairs, going into the kitchen for some breakfast. I check my phone real quick seen it only 9:45 I make some toast along with some scrambled eggs.

After I finish eating, I just go on my phone while I'm at the counter because I am nothing to do and all my friends are busy.

I literally am so bored.

Maybe Erica can come over.

Me and Erica aren't really that close but we're both in the friend group so we talk to each other. I guess another ways you could say is I'm not as close to her as I am with Alex and Shelby.

I decided to not just text Erica so I went into the group chat, and started to type.


'The Rocket of whores'

Gabs- Anyone down to hang out today because I'm so fucking bored

Erica- I wish I could but I'm helping my grandma unpack and move into her new apartment today and tmr

Shelby- me and Arron can come over after noon we have a family birthday party to go to

Gabs- okay that's great I'll see you then

After the Texts I go back upstairs and start watching some tv because of how fucking bored I am.

I decided to start watching 'Gossip Girl' this may surprise you, but I have never watch gossip girl before this is my first time.

I wasn't even halfway through the first episode and Nate made me so fucking mad I wanted to take his head through brick wall.

I am wanting to get with Blair's best friend like what the fuck.

How could this dude cheat on Blair? She's so nice, at least she seems like it so far through the show.

I pause my show going on my phone saying it was already 10:15 I have a few hours to spare so I just continue my show that I was watching.

While I was watching that show, I got a text saying that it was from my father I open a text seeing that he wanted me to call him tonight because he needed to talk about something else I think I'm okay and then shut off my phone and continue watching my show.

There is a knock at my door, so I paused my show before walking to the bedroom door, opening the door was revealing...

There is a knock at my door, so I paused my show before walking to the bedroom door, opening the door was revealing

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• Hee Hee cliffhanger.

• I love short chapters by also love, long chapters it's so hard to pick between the two. This one is a short chapter only because I have no ideas and chapter 24 and 25 will be ass because I'm lazy lmao.

• Please vote, comment and share to your friends!!

Words: 646

Next update: December 15.

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