I guess it wouldn't hurt me try -it wasn't as if I had anything else to do and I did really want to spend my duration in here rather in a more lees of me crying manner. I couldn't believe I was actually pondering on this but I didn't really have a choice, plus I needed to be in my right mind when I continued with my plans.


"Okay?" She asked pausing not far from me and turning around.

"I will genuinely give him a chance." I said making up my mind.

"I actually thought you would make a decision after battling with yourself for days knowing how stubborn you are but I'm glad. Frankly I'm tired of being sad seeing my friend with blood red eyes." She said smiling at me before leaving. That was true she was definitely spot on but I was in a tight situation and I was tired of being scared all the time- I doubt that would change but only time would tell.


I made my way into his office without knocking, I didn't even realise until I was inside I was so in my head the way over her I don't even recall making my way up the stairs. I watched him look up at me raising an eyebrow at me as he watched me his nonchalant demeanour frightening. I gulped knowing that I couldn't chicken out now.

"We need to talk Mr O'Sullivan." I said making my way to a fancy couch at the corner of his spacious office, I think the space between us would let me be able to speak my mind.

"Do you need help with my name love?" Everything about him was calm - his dark tone made a shiver run down my spine. He clearly didn't like that and I wasn't about to mess with him.

"I'm sorry -Lachlan."

"That's better." How was I suppose to believe that he was normal. Even as I watched him sitting behind his desk his face stoic and the energy around him dangerously calm everything inside of me warned me about him. He had now stopped working and gave me his undivided attention making me nervous.

"I feel like if I keep thinking about this my head will burst open. -I don't know Lachlan if I did I would be here." My tone went up in my flare of emotions. It was frustrating, I felt I was reliving the same day and I was stuck in the same loop forever.

"It would serve you well to watch your tone when speaking to me." His voice was low and dark. I leaned back on the couch not to relax but an attempt to put more space between us as I kept my mouth shut. I felt like a stick I was far from being comfortable. I was on the edge.

"Are we clear?"

"Yes." My voice trembled I was afraid of knowing he could pounce any minute if I disobeyed him and no one would help. I needed to turn things around I didn't come in here to fight with him but instead I came in here for a truce. I wanted to do it before I talked myself out of it.

"Lachlan why am I still alive?" I asked my voice soft afraid of provoking him in anyway.

"Do you think you should be dead?" His question was simple yet I failed to truly answer it inside my head. Instead I looked at his big desk where his paperwork lay along with his laptop and pen. There was also a very modest lamp on the side everything was neat even though he was still working nothing was out of place. I could see the stack of the paperwork he was done with neatly packed and the ones he was busy with neatly packed in front of him with a pen at the top of the stack.

The Irish's Sanity Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin