Chapter One: Welcome to Hueco Mundo, Ben Tennyson.

Start from the beginning

The sand monster bellowed in laughter. "Now I know that you take me for a fool, creature. I allow no intruders to enter the sanctity of Las Noches. Aizen-sama does not need to be bothered by a creature like you."

Jet Ray struggled not to laugh. "Aizen-sama?" he asked. "What kind of a name is that?"

"You dare insult Aizen-sama?" the monster roared. "I'll crush you!"

"Yeah, right," Jet Ray said. He fired neuroshock beams out of his eyes and straight into the sand creature's head. It was a bull's-eye! But Jet Ray's victory was short lived as the beams went through the creature's head and he merely reformed it.

"Uh-oh," was Jet Ray could say.

Roaring, the sand creature raised its fist and slammed it down to the ground. Jet Ray groaned in pain as he struggled to get free. He tried using his beams on the creature's hand. It blasted the fingers, giving Jet Ray enough time to fly out before they reformed. The sand creature tried to swat at Jet Ray, but Jet Ray was much faster and easily his opponents attempts at capturing him. He kept trying his neuroshock blasts on the guy, but it had no effect on the sand body.

"Okay, think," Jet Ray told himself. "Laser beams don't hurt him, so what can?" Then it occurred to him. "Of course."

Jet Ray flew to the ground and landed. The sand creature noticed this and raised its fist again. Quickly, Jetray touched the Ultimatrix dial. In a flash of light, Jet Ray was gone. In his place was a humanoid creature in a redish exo-skeleton with a domed helmet like structure covering the back of his head. Overall, he looked like an oyster or clam on a human-like body.

"Water Hazard!' this new form cried.

"What in all creation..." the sand being said, thrown off the intruder's bizarre transformation.

Thinking quickly, Water Hazard raised his hands.

"You look like you need to cool off," he said and released powerful jets of water out of his hands, drenching the sand being.

"No!" it yelled. "Not water!" It let out a wail of despair that turned into a gurgling.

Water Hazard decided not to take any chances and continued shooting water at it. The sand creature was soon reduced to a pile of mud. Water Hazard took advantage and started running towards the giant dome apparently called Las Noches. Without even looking back to see if the creature had reformed or not, Water Hazard ran towards the wall. He touched the dial and turned into a wide creature with a white front and yellow back.

"Cannonbolt!" he cried before curling up into a ball and smashing through the wall. Seeing that he was inside, Cannonbolt turned back into Ben. He looked at the gaping hole he had just made. He grimaced at the size of it.

"Maybe I should've used Big Chill instead," he said to himself. "That way I could've went through it without smashing it."

Ben decided it was time to look at his surroundings. It looked like some kind of dark tunnel. He couldn't so much as a single thing in front of him. The only light was the light of the moon behind him.

"Oh just great," Ben grumbled. "I can't see a thing in front and I have no idea if there's anyone here who can help me figure out where on Earth am I. That is, if I'm still on Earth."

Ben gulped at the thought. Well, he had never heard of Hueco Mundo and he had no idea what that sand beast was. What really interested him was the fact that his Ultimatrix didn't scan the creature. Just where in the universe had Ben been taken too?

"Well," he finally said. "Guess I have no choice." Taking a deep breath, Ben continued onward into the darkness.

Meanwhile, in another part of Las Noches, a meeting was being held.

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