"Precisely, but maybe something other than alcohol? I already talked to her and she is a strong believer that many people won't believe that. Just say it was a dare in a game or something." "Wait, isn't that less believable? Isn't this your job??" Mitsuya was getting more stressed by the minute. He didn't know that a spur of the moment decision would catapult them into boiling hot water in less than twelve hours. "Damnit! Sorry Nanami, I need some water. I'll be back in five." The lilac haired stood up and scratched his head as he walked out into the hall.

"Stupid. Stupid, stupid! We should've had the paparazzi removed. Fuck!" He mumbled to himself as he walked to the nearest vending machine. "Everything that I worked so hard for is at risk of being stripped away from me. Because of a damn photo!" The fashion designer grumbled and punched the number
in for a bottle of water. "I can't imagine how Hakkai's feeling right now."

"Mitsuya, you've gotta choose one," Nanami began once his client had settled down and downed three bottles of water. "Aw fuck." "It's either your career, or whatever the hell you and Hakkai have going on right now."


Mitsuya and Hakkai hadn't seen each other in weeks. Only on social media or billboards out in the city. Otherwise they were too busy or just avoiding each other altogether. They were both rather unmotivated without seeing each other so often but they both grew up in the slums, and God knows they'd do anything to not go back. Even if it means to drop communication between each other for a bit. They already discussed it and had agreed to it, but neither could deny that they regretted their decisions.

"Okaa-san, I miss Hakkai so much." Mitsuya whined during a visit to his family one day. His sisters were eager to see him and check up on his mental health after the scandal. He finally made time in his schedule to visit and when he did, he didn't want to leave. "Well darling, contact him. I believe he misses you as well. You two can't stay apart for too long, it'll take a toll on both of you." She told her son while running her fingers through his hair like she used to do when he was just a young boy. Mitsuya missed those days, when it was just him and his ma and his sisters without any work stress.

"Okaa-san, I can't! Nanami will have my head if he finds out after all the work he put in to refute the claims about us dating." "Nanami is a very hardworking man, but I don't believe he'll be able to stay upset with you for long my love." Smiling sweetly, Mitsuya's mother kissed his forehead and went to start dinner. "Okaa-san's right nii-san, if you miss him so much just call him. I'm pretty sure he'd answer, unless he's under Yuzuha-chan's close watch." Luna suggested to her older brother while reading some documents for work. "Right, I'll try to ring him later." "Noo! Do it now! I wanna talk to Hakkai-kun!" Mana ran into the room out of breath.

"Mana, you're meant to be doing your homework right now!" Their mother shook her head and was ready to send Mana back up to her room. "Okaa-san, I have two more problems left! Can't I take a small break please?" Mana practically begged her mother while Mitsuya found Hakkai's number in his contacts. "Well, I guess so. But after twenty minutes it's back to homework!" She negotiated and Mana nodded. "Shh! It's ringing!" Luna whisper shouted and looked at Mitsuya's screen. It rung four times. "See, he's not gonna answer guys-" Mitsuya began to speak only to be interrupted by the sound of Hakkai's raspy voice on the other line.

"What's up Taka-chan?" He sounded as if he just woke up, despite it being late in the afternoon. "Hey Hakkai, did I wake you?" Mitsuya asked, not really know what to say. Luna and Mana facepalmed in sync while their mother shook her head at her sons' awkwardness. "Actually yeah, but it's alright. Did you need something?" The young Shiba chuckled and Mitsuya felt Cupid shoot an arrow into his heart all over again. He looked at his mother and mouthed "what do I say!?" to which she mouthed back "say I missed you or something dummy!". "Taka-chan?" "Huh, oh yeah. I just missed you recently and wanted to talk to you." He shrugged and glared at Mana who was snickering along with Luna. "Oh, you know you could've just texted me?" Suddenly the mood in the room dejected and all of the Mitsuya's stood there in shock at Hakkai's response.

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