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I jerked my body upwards, my skin sweating and eyes rolling all over the place as my chest relaxed and contracted multiple times rapidly.

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, reminding myself that it was just a nightmare. Well having a dream about hitting your own daughter with a white truck was a nightmare to not let slide easily.

I was laying on a couch, I placed my legs down on the cold floor, feeling a shiver run down my spine. I looked down at myself, noticing that I was only wearing my bottoms. What happened to my shirt?

"Good morning", I heard a familiar female voice speak. I looked behind me and saw Cindy walking into the living room with two mugs from the kitchen. She sat next to me, reaching out to the mug for me, which I took gladly after I smelt the aroma of coffee sweep my nose.

"I'm sorry", I spoke, looking at my bare large feet down below me.

"For what?" She asked taking a drink of coffee, her green eyes rolling up to face me. She had the prettiest eyes if I could be honest. In fact, she was beautiful now that I noticed. Seeing her in her comfort helped me see that. She had a small thin body, pale skin and pink cheeks. Naturally, she was a redhead, she changed it to blonde just a year ago.

Even though she looked as young as a teenager, she was older than me, but maybe younger than Kevin. If Kevin had not told me about his feelings towards his boss, I would have tried hooking them up. They would make a lovely couple.

"Everything. Last night mostly", I looked away from her and took a drink of my coffee. It was bitter. Of course coffee was supposed to be a little bitter, but this was not the nice kind. She had put way too much of the coffee and the sugar was little. I wanted to throw the coffee back out but instead forced a gulp down my throat. "Except this coffee".

"What's wrong with the coffee?" She raised a brow, as if ready to defend her drink, and if I had anything wrong to say about it she would either take it all from me or spill it over my head. I was not taking a risk. She continued to speak. "And why are you thanking me uh? It's not like I saved your life. In fact, I'm supposed to be mad with you".

"Mad? Why?" I asked, knowing that I didn't do anything to offend her, not that I could remember. Or maybe did I say something to her last night without realizing it?

"You haven't shown for therapy for almost a month. I tried reaching you but it always went to voicemail. I even asked Mike if you were at least still alive and he told me that you had coffee with him the previous day", she frowned angrily, her face turning red from the emotion. She was just worried. Of course she was. Cindy always worried about me. I wondered if she saw a child whenever she looked at me.

"And speaking of Mike, I called him earlier. I think he's on his way", she stood to her feet, making me realize that she had finished her own coffee. I wasn't even a quarter passed mine. Cindy looked down at me as she grabbed a pair of glasses down the coffee table. She adjusted them on her face and scrunched her nose, now looking like the Cindy I was used to, except not dressed well.

"You look adorable", I laughed. She faced me, her mouth falling a little agape at the sudden comment. "Why did you call Mike? Are you kicking me out already? I thought I was a good housemate".

Cindy faced me for a while before shaking her head to regain herself. She picked a pillow from the sofa and threw it towards me, but failing her mission to harm me once I caught it. "Why so comfortable already? Of course I can't let you stay here. Especially with everything going on between you and your wife. Gosh, you two need marriage counseling", she murmured the last sentence.

"Any marriage counselor would tell us it would be best to divorce because our marriage always has problems flowing in. We don't have a problem with each other—well I don't have a problem with her— the problem is the world", I found myself explaining and subconsciously taking a drink of her coffee which I gagged to. Fortunately she did not see it.

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