*Spot On*

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I stepped out of the bathroom in a towel, drying my hair as well with another. It was only a minute after when I heard a knock escape the door.


"Ma'am, Mr. Dominic is asking for you in the art studio", it was David.

I was silent for a while, wondering what he wanted me for. Maybe to eat? "Alright, tell him I'll be there in two minutes, I'm getting dressed".

"Alright ma'am", he said before steps followed and later silence.

I got dressed up and hoped my hair was dry enough and would not keep dripping on my way to the second floor. Speaking of being on my way there, I doubted if I would be able to walk for another hour unless if I rested my legs. They seemed to get worse, especially due to the standing I was doing in the shower.

Letting my hair fall down to my shoulders instead of in a bun, I made my way out of the door and to the upper floor, heading straight to the studio slowly.

I looked up at the walls on my way there, the hallways were filled with paintings and frames. One which made my heart drop was one of Dominic and I, on our wedding day.

I stood in his arms, mine wrapped around his torso and head leaning on his chest. He gave that awkward but yet nervous smile you would see a little kid do in family pictures. Next to it was another of the two of us kissing, the camera was much closer to our faces. I remembered that day so well. Dominic was such a cry baby after seeing me in my dress for the first time. I definitely looked beautiful in that white dress.

Feeling my cheeks get wet, I wiped the tears away and forced myself to continue walking ahead. Once finally reaching the studio, the door was wide open and only two lamps were on across the rooms. One of which Dominic sat next to, laying on a chair as he looked outside the glass walls, a blunt pressed tightly between his lips.

He felt my presence, turning and meeting me immediately. He took the blunt out and placed it into the ashtray next to him.

"Come in", he said. I did as he said, turning the lights on and taking a seat across the room, next to the door and right opposite from him. We looked at each other with dark eyes, only the paintings across the room bringing much light and hope to it.

"Thought you stopped smoking", I spoke.

"I did... until tonight", he responded looking back outside the window. "Just needed to tell ya that I called Molly and told her you'd spend the night here. She says Stephanie is alright and she'll stay with her till you're back".

"How do you have Mollys number?"

"Also, David cooked up something. I'm not hungry so you can go eat", he ignored my question. But again, him informing me about Stephanie being alright did bring me to ease a lot.

"I'm not hungry either", I stated, not honestly feeling the appetite to it. This place made me feel.... Weird. It just didn't feel right being here. Something felt off.

"You haven't had anything, you probably didn't eat lunch either. You need to eat something", he faced me, I was already on my feet and staring at the walls. They were just captivating.

"I said I don't want to, okay? You're always telling me what to do", I rolled my eyes, hoping he would drop it. With surprise, he did. I could tell from the corner of my eye that he did want to say something, but knew it would be best not to.

It was already raining cats and dogs, our shouts didn't need to add to the noise. "I saw a painting in the bedroom. Did you do that?" I found myself asking.

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