Near Me

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"Okay. Do you own a car? How many times have you gotten in trouble for speed driving?" I asked the boy in front of me as I exhaled smoke from the blunt.

I was already feeling exhausted and wanted to go home immediately. My eyes were restless and begging for sleep.

"Uhm yes, my dad handed me his old car last year. And I've only been pulled over for speed twice", he said nervously scratching the back of his neck and facing his cousin that sat next to me, as if begging for help.

David. I had been giving him an 'interview' for almost ten minutes. Didn't see anything wrong with him, especially with the way he looked like one of those boys who got bullied for being stupid and had no friends. But he seemed like a nice boy, Mike was right.

He had quite a shy personality but he was friendly, his face was always heating up from every small mistake he said and would apologize immediately. I hated to admit it but I liked him. He seemed clumsy though, but if he killed me, I would swear to kill him.

"Do you know the city well?" I asked my last but not least question for tonight.

He looked up thoughtfully before responding, "Uhm yeah, I've lived in London my whole life".

I stood to my feet and reached into my pockets, taking out my car keys and handing them to him, he looked at them then back up at me in astonishment as if he was just as rich as his role models.

"I'll call someone to bring my car here, you can rest and I'm sure you'll find it by morning. You should come to my house at eight. Don't be a minute late, I love punctuality. We'll discuss the rest and your fee tomorrow morning. Good night", I said throwing my keys in his hands and walking towards the door.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you, sir! I won't disappoint you!" David exclaimed happily. "Good night cous'!"

"Good night", Mike responded waving at his young cousin before we closed the door and left the rusty apartment.

"Well, I told you you'd like him", Mike smiled proudly.

"Didn't you have work or something today?" I retorted.

"I did but I can skip work. I'm the boss, so who will punish me?" He smirked with pride. I smiled and shook my head.

"So this runs in your family Uh?" I asked as we got into his car. He looked at me in pure and utter confusion before asking what I meant. "Oh nothing", I chuckled, asking him to brush it off.


I closed my front door, taking a sigh of relief that my night was over... but I'd have to deal with another night, one more exhausting and actually terrifying than this.

I dragged my feet towards the stairs, making my way up as I held onto the railings with one hand and the other loosening my tie and throwing it across the hall.

I unbuttoned the top three buttons on my shirt and kicked off my shoes, remaining in nothing but my socks on my feet.

I had my jacket over my shoulder, throwing it on the bed before jumping on it myself. I sat up right with my legs crossed like a pretzel and grabbing my jacket, quickly reaching in for the pocket that had the tablets. I got the bottle out and opened it before gulping four pills. I took a deep sigh, falling back on my bed, knowing that I would sleep peacefully tonight. I was finally able to get the drugs from the drugstore without Cindy's help. Mike got them for me this afternoon.

I looked at my ceiling. It was a mirror ceiling. I reached my hand out, as if in attempt to hold whatever was there. That person there staring back at me.

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