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Dominic's POV🇯🇲;

"Send me more and a summary on everything, especially on Mr. Preshaan's recent updates and files. I want everything", I emphasized, taking a sip of the coffee in my hand as the other one held the phone hard against my ear. I didn't know why but I had been tempted the whole morning to smoke, however, something in me resisted.

Just a gut feeling.

"Yes, sir", my secretary, Sheila, responded in that calm manner of hers. "Also, sir, with all due respect, don't you think things would just be easier if you came back to Jamaica? That way maybe—"

"Sheila, send the summary", I interrupted her, not in the mood to hear her opinion on what I should be doing. She knew nothing so she had no right to talk, all she knew was that I was here because of my wife and trying to solve the dispute between us.

"Y-yes, sir", she stuttered out before I ended the call.

Walking towards the side drawer of my bed, I put the cup of coffee away and finally succumbed to the drilling urge to smoke. But before I could even light the cigar, I heard my phone ringing.

I took out a deep sigh of annoyance before walking back and putting it against my ear, accepting the call. "Hello?" My voice came out rude and annoyed, which was not my intention.

"Hey, Dominic. It's Ashley", I heard the female voice say. I almost choked on my own saliva. This number was unknown so I presumed she changed it, again. Obviously I was the reason she changed it due to the insane number of calls I used to give her a while back.

But what left me in shock was the fact that she still had my number.

"Hey, Ash. Nice hearing from you. Everything okay?" I walked towards the balcony with one hand pressed inside my pocket. The view from up there was aesthetic. The back of my house stood facing mountains and forests that were in a distance, but the front only held a view of humungous buildings.

Ashley once said this view kept her at ease and calmed her down when she was stressing. I had to agree with her on that.

"Yes, everything's alright", she paused, taking a sigh, which told me to get ready for whatever was coming. "Dominic, about yesterday's small talk with you, I had some thinking to do. Even went as far as asking my family for advice".

I closed my eyes and reopened them, finally noticing that my gardener was down in the gardens, fixing a flower which seemed to be a nuisance. He was a neat freak.

"Yeah? Well, I can already guess the advice you were given. I'm okay with that, Steph is your daughter after all. I just wanted to see her and maybe build a relationship with her, considering she doesn't have a father figure in her life", I explained.


"No, I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up the suggestion in the first place", I face palmed my forehead.

"You're so impatient. Hear me out, dummy", she chuckled. "I decided that I would let you have a chance.... With Stephanie, of course. I just realized how probably illegal this is, me keeping you away from your daughter. She's yours too, I can't ever change that. So when you're free, you can come by and we could discuss more on what to further do and schedule when you can be seeing her".

"You're serious?" I asked with astonishment. Maybe astonishment would be an understatement. I was bewildered and so confused.


"Well, I'm always free. Maybe I could come by this afternoon?"

"Woah, okay", she said, probably surprised at how fast this was already moving. "That's alright with me. You can come over at 13 o'clock. I'm sure I'll be home by then".

 Ecstasy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora