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Increasing the volume on the radio, Xavier and I sang at the top of our lungs to Backstreet Boys, I holding a random catalog from his car and pretending it were a microphone. He too had a microphone, a very small black one.

A pen.

"I'll never break your heart
I'll never make you cry
I'd rather die than live without you
I'll give you all of me
Honey that's no lie", I sang happily, not caring about the cars next to us. Though one time a middle aged couple laughed at us with joy saying her husband played her that song back when they just began dating, eventually, we lost them in the traffic. A few more people looked at us like we were aliens of course, but with Xavier, my confidence just seemed to boost to an unbelievable amount.

"I'll never break your heart
I'll never make you cry
I'd rather die than live without you", Xavier sang the climax, ending with a dramatic pose, his fist in front of his face, eyes closed and biting his bottom lip with furrowed brows. That made me laugh extremely hard. He sure did know how to make me laugh to the point I had a headache. I felt so carefree around him.

Hearing a soothing song playing next, I quickly came to notice that it was Cher with If I Could Turn Back Time. Dominic loved Cher, especially this song, it was amongst his favorite. I hated to admit it but it gave me nostalgia.

I looked outside with a smile, as if Xavier was not right next to me. Dominic begged me to try listening to musicians like Cher, Backstreet Boys, Toni Braxton and especially Marc Anthony.

I had never known a man who loved music and painting so much like I knew him. If it came to paintings, sheesh, don't get me started.

I chuckled at that, I just couldn't help it.

"Well someone's in a good mood", Xavier smiled. I faced him, breaking out of my train of memories.

"I just couldn't remember the last time I sang my lungs out to Cher with an FBI during traffic". He laughed at my comment, bowling his head back and forth.

He was about to speak before the vibration of his phone refrained him for doing so. He apologized for the interruption before answering it.

I could barely hear what the other person on the end was saying, but telling from Xavier's expressions, it was probably work or something serious. He gave nods and a few 'yes's, hanging up with the words. "Alright, I'll be on my way. Bye".

He took a deep sigh, one I took whenever I was about to break it to Stephanie that she could not have ice cream because it was cold. He had bad news for me.

"They need me back".

"Oh", was all I could release.

"I'm really sorry. If there wasn't traffic I would have driven you straight home and made it back. I don't know if you're willing to come along either...?" It sounded more like a statement than a question.

"No Xavier, I need to get home. I mean my phone's died, I scarcely know what's happening back home, I have a daughter, remember?"

"Oh, yeah", he bit his bottom lip, sinking deep into his seat.

"I can just get on a cab, it looks like it will rain soon, which will make the traffic worse. It's already almost midnight", I said taking my seat belt off.

"At least let me help you get on a cab", he insisted, which I didn't mind.

Xavier parked his car by the side of the road and not more than five minutes after, a cab showed up, which we stopped. I got on it and he paid it for me, just like the gentleman he was, telling the driver where to take me.

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