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Just when she reached to parking where lots of cars were parked. Vivan grabbed her hand from behind and lock her between a car side and him.
“What are you doing?” Keya asked him patiently, she don’t know what exactly was going on. Yes she like him, but he never confess to her, instead every time he had insulted her front of staff. His all action were like he hate her the most. But what her colleague noticed that Vivan was interested in her. She was confused. Yes she like him, but she don’t know what is his feeling for her.
“Why are you running like this?” Vivan locked her and asked her looking into her eyes
“ “ Keya
“Tell me, Why you are running like this from me ?”  Vivan asked in cold voice again.
“I…I am not running, I am just going home, it’s late and….I….I am tired”  Keya said fumbling voice
“Really”  Vivan’s cold face suddenly turn into faint smile.
“Yes, what is there to lie” Keya looked at his smile and got angry.
“Are you really not running?”
“   “ Keya
Vivan move close to her, she was shivering for his so much closeness. Her breathing already became uneven. She can feel his touch on her body. His face was mere inch away from her. His hot breathing can be feel on her face. Vivan Hold her face in his both hand.
“Vivan…… Call me Vivan” Vivan said hoarse voice looking into her eyes. His eyes were burning with fire and desire. He don’t know how much more time he can control himself for not wanting her.
“ “ Keya.
When for a long time she didn’t said anything. Vivan tightened his grip holding her face forcing her to look into his eyes.
“Call me Vivan”
“Pre…President, can you please leave me……..” Keya said again in low voice. Before she could realize what was happening she felt a warm lips already pressing on her lips and sucking her lower lip. She open her eyes widely trying to look at figure who have closed all distance between them. She was dumbfounded already, she even forgot to resist him. Her hand was pressing on his chest without any force. The man was eating her lips like he was hungry for many years. He licked every corner of her lips and forced her to open her mouth. When he manage to open her mouth and sucked her tongue like he wanted suck her soul. When she was out of breath he let her go. Keya relied on car behind her and fortunately Vivan have hold her tightly otherwise she could have fainted down. Vivan running out of breath, he rest his forehead on her forehead, holding her face in his big palms.
“I Love you”
Keya was already trying to absorb what just happened and now he confessed. Her hearts just stopped beating. When she just open her mouth to say something she saw from corner of eyes that Ankit was walking toward them.
“Ankit is coming here….” She said hurriedly.
Vivan’s frowned, a wrinkled appear between his eyebrows, without looking back he looked at her and pulled her in his embrace.
“Pretend to be sleep”
Vivan held her in his embrace and said “Close your eyes”
Keya closed her eyes and lied in his embrace like lifeless doll.
“Hey bro, is everything alright? What happened to her?”  When Ankit appears there, he saw Keya was unconscious and lying in Vivan’s embrace. He was worried.
“Nothing. She just got unconscious. Drink a lot I guess. I am taking her Home” Vivan explain him till holding her like treasure in his arms. He felt pain on his waist someone pinch on his waist. ‘Bastard, when did I Drink’ Keya pinched hard on his waist. It was him who ask her to pretend to sleep. Vivan ignored pain and tightly grabber her again.
“Let me help you, I will come with you”  Ankit took a step to hold Keya, but Vivan turned and didn’t allow to touch her. ‘She is mine, she is my woman, No one can touch her’
“No need, I will take her to home to rest, please help me to take care about today’s party, I know you will take good care of it, this moment I can’t rely on anyone but you, you are my brother, tell mom and Dad I had some urgency, don’t let any know that Keya fainted otherwise people will lose the spirit to enjoy the party.”
Ankit know what he was trying to do. Till he nodded and said OK. Vivan lift Keya by her waist like bridal style and walked toward his Mercedes. Keya was scared when her feet left the ground and  was in air, she scared and subconsciously held on his neck to avoid falling down till closing her eyes tightly. Vivan looked at her scared look, so cute, so obedient. He felt a warmth in heart. He wanted to hold her like this from long time. He have waited a long. Driver open the door for him. Vivan put her in back seat and took the key from Driver. Driver was shocked, he wanted to say ‘Boss , she is unconscious, let me drive to hospital’ But looking at his smile on his Boss’s face he kept quite. Vivan start the car and drive away. After crossing half kilometer he stopped the car road side and looked at backseat to girl who was lying on seat.
“You can open your eyes, come on front seat”
Keya slowly open her eyes making sure no one else is around. She sit up straight, she look very angry at him, but he was till smiling. She open the door and came in front seat by driver’s side. She did not speak. Vivan looked at her angry look.
“Are you angry?” Vivan asked her while fastening her seat belt for her. He come so close to her and printed a soft kiss on her red cheeks.
“Yes, Me” Vivan teased her, his personality flipped through 180 degree suddenly from a aloof, angry, ruthless Boss to mischievous boyfriend.
“I want to go home” Keya wanted to digest the things what happened today with her, she wanted to go home and think it carefully, she wanted to make sure this is not dream.
“Yes” Vivan start the car and drive, when he looked at her again, she closed her eyes and relied on seat. His heart ache, she didn’t reply anything. But he can’t let go her like this. He has controlled a lot and now when he accepted his feeling openly to her, he just can’t let her go. He drove to his Villa. When he stopped the car, he looked at the girl who sat next him on passenger seat was deeply sleeping. He stared at her for long time, Her brows were wrinkled somewhat, the Lips was just like bloomed petal, she have done make up today, the strawberry color lipsticks was giving more highlight to her heart shaped lips. He wanted to kiss it again. Few hairs of strands was moving around her face. He slowly open the door and came by her side, open passenger seat door, she was till in sound sleep. He lightly pick her up like doll in bridal style.  When Keya felt movement, she open her eyes.
“What…What are you doing? Put me down”
Damn she was looking so cute when she was sleeping, now she became like cat ready to fight. Vivan hold his grip tightly so that she can not move. He just ignore what she said and walked toward entrance. Keya start moving again making difficult for him to walk.
“President, this is kidnapping. Put me down.”
Vivan frowned, ‘What the hell she is talking, I just confess her to my love and she is saying I am kidnapper, I should have kidnapped earlier’
“I just want to talk with you”
“Put me down first”
“NO….I like to carry you like this”
“   “ Keya
“What? Do you also like I am carrying you like this?” Vivan smile at her
“   “ Keya
“You don’t had anything to say? It means you like it” Vivan laugh out loudly
Keya was amazed by his current appearance; she had never seen him smiling or laughing like this before. He has been always aloof and angry. When they reach at door, he put down her and hold her hand to take her in. He open the door by face recognition and enter. Other time maids are always there, but today he was supposed to come late due to party so door was closed. When they enter in Hall, Keya suddenly pulled her hand back and take a few steps back. Vivan turn around to look at her.
Before Keya could say anything more, Vivan grabber her in his embrace and started kissing her like eating her mouth.
“Ummmm….hmmm….” Keya trird to push him, but no use, he was as hard as wall. When he left her lips he looked straight in her eyes.
“Vivan….Call me Vivan” Vivan greeted his teeth, how many time he have repeated to her to call him by name, but she did not, He was eager to hear his name from her sweet mouth. But till she kept him waiting. He don’t want to wait more. He already have lost his control.
“ “ Keya.
Vivan hold her face again in his big palm and went close to her, he position himself about to kiss.
“I will keep kissing you until you to say my Name”
Keya scared, what he is talking? Have he gone crazy.  When she notice he moved bit close to her, she shouted hurriedly.
“   “ Vivan was speechless. He feel like thousand of ants running through his heart, making pleasant sensation. His heart, there was some movement in his heart, in his chest… sweetest sensation.
“Say Again” Vivan put his forehead on her forehead with controlling his breath.
“Vivan……” Keya said softly again
Just when he heard his name again from her mouth, he grabbed her tightly in his arms. Keya was afraid, he would break her bones. He hold her like this for few more minute until his breathing become normal. Keya was clueless what to do. She was happy in her heart, that Vivan also have same feeling for her as she had for him. Yes he loves her too. But she is not going to accept it easily. He have make suffer her lot. She will pay for it what he done with her in past, shouting at her un necessary, making things difficult for her. He appeared suddenly at coffee shop when she was on date with Ankit, he didn’t let her keep her face. She was so embraced with his action at that time. He make Kunal also suffer, so that he can stay away from her. She wanted to take all revenge. When she lazily was lying in his arms, was lost in her thoughts and enjoying the warmth of his body, a voice come from above her head.
“Are you enjoying like this?” One can imagine from his voice that he was laughing and how hoarse his voice was.
“  “ Keya tried to get free from his arms, but Vivan hold her tightly.
“Vivan…” Keya said in low voice. In the Big Hall, the light was off, only small dim light was there. In his embrace she was not able to see his face completely but she can feel it. The cool wind was blowing. Moon light was entering through glass wall ceiling. The amebous was bit tripsy. A tiny small movement and fire can start.
“Sshhh..” Vivan lift her again and took on 2nd floor in his Bedroom.
He put Keya on his King size bed slowly. Keya was nervous. She don’t know what Vivan was trying to do. He Kiss on her temple and went to bathroom. She heard the sound of water. For a moment she thought of leaving immediately before he came out, but then she imagine how Vivan will get angry if she left like this. Keya got up from Bed and Observe his Bedroom. It was simple with two color combination gray and white. Her bedroom also have same two color. No wonder, both’s people temper are same. Wall were white and carpet on floor was gray. All curtains were white. A black and white Photo of Vivan standing with a Horse was hang on a wall. Vivan looks younger in that photo, it must few years back when he was teenager. He was so handsome at that time. He must be crush of lots of girls. How it’s possible he is till single. She thought about it to ask him when he will come out of bathroom. There was huge balcony attached to his bedroom. Small plants pots was there, a coffee table, two chairs, hanging chair. It was just amazing. She was enjoying the scene in balcony when she felt two hand grabbed her waist and she can feel Vivan’s bear chest through her clothes also. He sniffed into her neck smelling her body.

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